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> Soviets enter Bucharest, pictures
Posted: April 14, 2013 06:56 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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A, Osvobojdenie Gorodov (1985) :

Bucureşti. A fost eliberat la 31 august 1944 de trupele F.2 Ukr:
A.6 Тc
— C.5 Mc ( tc. M.V.Volkov) cu: Bg.2 Mc (col S.D.Mironov), Bg.9 Mc (col K.F.Selezniev), Bg.45 Mc (lt.col. A.M.Ovcearov), Bg.233 Tc (lt.col N.M.Mihno);
— C.18 Tc (col I.M.Kolesnikov) cu: Bg.110 Tc (col I.F.Reşetnikov), Bg.170 Tc (col N.P.Ciunihin), Bg.181 Tc (col A.M.Nideikin), Bg.32 IMo (col M.E.Hvatov), R.1438 Au.T (lt.col A.F.Zatîlkin); unitati din Bg.22 Geniu Moto (lt.col S.I.Golukovici).
— Gr.motorizată compusă din: D.233 Trăg (col T.I.Sidorenko) si D.375 Trăg ( V.D.Karpuhin)
— C.49 Trăg. ( G.N.Terentiev),
— D.1 Inf.Vol.Rom. (col N.Cambrea);
— Bg.12 Indep. A.Tc. (col L.D.Eristov);
— Bg.54 Geniu. (col S.V.Isaev).

Unele unitati au primit denumirea onorifică Bucureşti: C.49 Trăg, D.1 desant aer. de garda (col D.F.Sobolev), D.375 Trăg, R.3 desant aer de garda (lt.col I.I.Garvart), R.572 Trăg (mr A.R.Pastuşenko), R.1241 Trăg (lt.col S.M.Martirosian), Bg.12 indep. AATc., R.458 Arunc. (lt.col V.V.Pavlov), Bg.54 Ge, Bg.20 Auto (col V.P.Cerniavskii), R.387 indep. Av.leg. (col I.T.Nakonecinîi), 714 indep. Av.leg. (mr F.F.Suşko).
În cinstea trupelor participante la luptele de la porţile Bucureştiului, la Moscova 324 tunuri au tras 24 salve de salut.

This post has been edited by Petre on April 14, 2013 06:58 pm
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Posted: April 16, 2013 04:10 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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Some pictures. The city is Bukarest.

Nice to surf here

This post has been edited by Petre on April 16, 2013 04:23 pm
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Posted: April 16, 2013 06:35 pm
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Plutonier major

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"Romanian population,opressed by german and romanian authorities,return home,after being liberated by ......"

Sic !

This post has been edited by guina on April 16, 2013 06:36 pm
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Posted: April 18, 2013 02:41 am
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General de corp de armata

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QUOTE (Petre @ April 16, 2013 11:10 am)
Some pictures. The city is Bukarest.

14th photo from the beginning (or 7th photo starting from end): Is that a stolen "Malaxa" ? ?

This post has been edited by Florin on April 18, 2013 02:41 am
Posted: April 18, 2013 06:10 am
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QUOTE (Florin @ April 18, 2013 05:41 am)
QUOTE (Petre @ April 16, 2013 11:10 am)
Some pictures. The city is Bukarest.

14th photo from the beginning (or 7th photo starting from end): Is that a stolen "Malaxa" ? ?

NO! It says there it's a Bren Carrier. Also, from the picture, one can see the suspension system of the tracks is NOT the Malaxa type...
This does not meean, of course, that the Soviets didn't "borrow" stuff from us!

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Posted: May 16, 2013 02:47 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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user posted image

This post has been edited by Petre on May 16, 2013 03:02 pm
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Posted: September 24, 2015 07:25 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Google-Book : "The state security organs of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War".
Tome V, volume 2. Publisher : the FSB-Rus. Fed. Academy, Moskow, 2007.

Report from the 2nd. Ukrainean Front Command to the Sov.Union Marshal I.V.Stalin
2 Sept.1944
Raportez :
La 31 aug.1944 au ajuns la Bucureşti generalii Susaikov şi Tevcenkov, care au primit ordin de la Consiliul Militar al Frontului să clarifice unde se află mareşalul Antonescu şi în caz că este descoperit, să fie luat sub paza noastră.
La indicaţia gen-locot. Susaikov, membru în Cons.Militar al Frontului, gen-locot. Tevcenkov a mers la Comandantul român al oraşului, general corp armată Tudorescu şi prin acesta au fost chemaţi la discuţii Ministrul de interne Petrescu şi Primarul oraşului, gen. Dombrovski.
După câteva tergiversări şi neînţelegeri, ei au declarat că Antonescu este arestat, locul unde se află nu le este cunoscut, dar există o persoană care cunoaşte asta.
După al doilea avertisment categoric al gen-locot. Tevcenkov, că conducerea militară sovietică doreşte să ştie şi să vadă unde este deţinut Antonescu, Comandantul oraşului general corp armată Tudorescu a sunat la Guvern. După ceva vreme a venit o persoană în civil, reprezentantul CC al PCR Bodnaraş Emelian, care cunoştea bine limba rusă. La întrebarea unde este mareşalul Antonescu, a răspuns că acesta din urmă se găseşte sub paza comuniştilor într-o locuinţă conspirativă.
Atunci gen-locot. Tevcenkov împreună cu Bodnaraş, cu generalul român Dombrovski, cu Comandantul sovietic al oraşului gen-maior Burenin şi cu o grupă de ofiţeri şi ostaşi sovietici pe post de gărzi, în număr de 40 oameni, au mers unde se afla arestat Antonescu.
Într-o casă mică cu două nivele la marginea Bucureştiului, la etajul de sus era deţinut mareşalul Antonescu iar la etajul de jos se aflau Mihai Antonescu, general corp armată Vasiliu, general corp armată Pantazi şi colonel Elefterescu.
Paza interioară a arestaţilor consta din 10 civili înarmaţi cu revolvere. Pază exterioară nu exista.
Gen-locot. Tevcenkov i-a declarat lui Bodnaraş că din cauza pazei slabe comandamentul sovietic ia asupra sa paza arestaţilor şi îi duce în dispozitivul trupelor proprii. La aceasta Bodnaraş a răspuns că ar fi fost bine să rămână aici arestaţii şi să întărească paza cu soldaţi sovietici.
După respingerea acestei propuneri Bodnaraş a solicitat să fie luată şi paza lor. Această solicitare a fost satisfăcută şi trei oameni ai comuniştilor români au însoţit arestaţii la noul loc. Bodnaraş a mai spus că Guvernul nu doreşte ca Antonescu să fie transferat la Moscova.
La 31 aug. orele 17, grupul de arestaţi a fost trimis la P.C. al Armatei 53, unde a rămas noaptea sub paza noastră, iar pe 1 sept. dimineaţa a fost dus la P.C. al Frontului.
R.Malinovski I.Susaikov

(first published in "Voenno-istoriceskii jurnal" 10/1989)

This post has been edited by Petre on October 07, 2015 07:47 am
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Posted: September 25, 2015 03:31 am
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General de corp de armata

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One of the very first people to be arrested in Romania by NKVD in September 1944 was a famous Romanian doctor that was member of the international team consisting of medical specialists and investigating the Polish POW's killed by NKVD and discovered by the Germans at Katyn.

Once picked up by NKVD, this famous Romanian doctor was never heard of again.
He simply disappeared.
Posted: September 25, 2015 01:54 pm
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and the name of the doctor???
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Posted: September 25, 2015 10:43 pm
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General de corp de armata

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QUOTE (adicontakt @ September 25, 2015 08:54 am)
and the name of the doctor???

To offer an exact answer, I have to search for it.
The good news is that you can do that, too.
Posted: October 06, 2015 03:56 am
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General de corp de armata

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QUOTE (adicontakt @ September 25, 2015 08:54 am)
and the name of the doctor???

The following information is from this website:

So - quote :


Recorded as a conclusion of the examination of mass graves of Polish officers in the forest of Katyn near Smolensk by leading representatives of European forensic medicine and criminology schools and other renowned university professors.

From 28 to 30 Apri1 1943 a commission composed of leading representatives of European forensic medicine and criminology schools and other renowned medical university professors conducted a scientific examination of the mass graves of Polish officers in the forest of Katyn near Smolensk.

The commission consisted of the following gentlemen:
1) Belgium: Dr. Spelers, Professor of Opthamology an the University of Gent.
2) Bulgaria: Dr. Markov, Forensic Medicine and Criminology teacher at the University of Sofia.
3) Denmark: Dr. Tramsen, Prosector at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen.
4) Finland: Dr. Saxén, Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Helsinki.
5) Italy: Dr. Palmieri, Professor of Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the University of Naples.
6) Croatia: Dr. Miloslavich, Professor of Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the University of Agram.
7) Netherlands: Dr. de Burlet, Professor of Anatomy at the University of Groningen.
8) Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: Dr. Hdjek, Professor of Forensic Medicine and Criminology in Prague.
9) Rumania: Dr. Birkle, Forensic Doctor of the Rumanian Ministry of Justice and first assistant at the Forensic Medicine and Criminology Institute in Bucharest.
10) Switzerland: Dr. Naville, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Geneva.
11) Slovakia: Dr. Subik, Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Bratislava and Slovakian Chief of State Public Health Works.
12) Hungary: Dr. Orsós, Professor of Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the University of Budapest.

Also present during the inspection and deliberations were
1. Dr. Buhtz, Professor of Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the University of Breslau. He was authorized by General Headquarters of the German Army to be in charge of the excavations in Katyn.
2. Dr. Costedoat, Medical Inspector, ordered to be present during the inspection of the Commission by the head of the French Government.

The discovery of mass graves of Polish officers in the forest at Katyn near Smolensk that was recently brought to the attention of German authorities has caused Dr. Conti, the State Health Leader, to invite the above mentioned specialists from several European countries to come to Katyn to examine the site and help with the clarification of this unique case.

[ . . . . . . continued . . . . . . ]

This post has been edited by Florin on October 06, 2015 03:59 am
Posted: October 07, 2015 07:45 am
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Locotenent colonel

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The story of the doctor

and another picture...

This post has been edited by Petre on October 07, 2015 07:46 am
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Posted: October 08, 2015 02:06 am
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General de corp de armata

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QUOTE (Petre @ October 07, 2015 02:45 am)
The story of the doctor

Thank you for the link with the interview, Petre.
Very interesting - I read it all, from start to end.

He missed with only 2 years the final countdown of the Communism in Eastern Europe.
In 1987 nobody could have reasonable hopes that the fall of the European Communism will be so fast - in spite of the fact that there were continuous "troubles" in Poland.

This post has been edited by Florin on October 08, 2015 02:19 am
Posted: October 27, 2015 08:55 pm
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General de armata

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Does anyone know of any written accounts of the Soviets entering Bucharest? Preferrably from a non-ideological source (personal diary or memoirs rather than a newspaper or magazine).

Posted: November 02, 2015 11:57 am
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Locotenent colonel

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