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> Faustpatrone or Panzerfaust for the Romanian Army, Question about their availability
Posted: January 03, 2022 12:56 am
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General de corp de armata

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Posts: 1879
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Joined: June 22, 2003


I recently saw a Finnish movie about the defense of Finland in the summer of 1944.
It reminded me that Finland received some Panzerfaust in 1944, and they were useful to the Finns.
Now I saw on Wikipedia that Finland also received Panzerschreck.
Other than propagandistic requirement to help an ally, the only reason that made Finland worth to be defended, in the eyes of the Germans, were the nickel mines (worldwide famous) and the anti-submarine barrage that the Finns controlled to block access into the Baltic Sea.

Considering that Romania was strategically and economically more important than Finland, for the German effort to win the war, with Romanian Army being the most important ally of Germany on the Eastern Front, were any Faustpatrone or Panzerfaust offered to the Romanians ?
Of course, I would ask about Panzerschreck as well, but I feel that it is too much to hope for.

This post has been edited by Florin on January 03, 2022 01:02 am
Posted: January 04, 2022 05:52 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Maybe just discussions.
I found these :

Marele Stat Major, 7 aprilie 1944
Nota relativa la discutiile avute cu domnul general C. A. Wagner, general Quartiermeister
4). Armament si munitii ...
Marele Stat Major a insistat:
- sa ni se livreze cât mai urgent armamentul pentru dotarea vânatorilor de care de lupta, care ne-a fost promis (Faust-patronner si Offenroher);
- sa ni se trimita cât mai curând armamentul german din contractul “Olivenbaum” ...

Marele Stat Major. Nr. 729.600 din 13 mai 1944
Sectia a 4-a
D. Munitii
Urmareste livrarea munitiilor cerute ... în baza protocolului “Wagner – Mardari”.
În general M.U. române trebuie sa fie aprovizionate de catre germani cu munitii pentru: armamentul portativ si automat calibru 7,92 mm, pistol mitraliera calibru 9 mm, tunuri A.C. calibru 50 si 75 mm, tunuri calibru 75 mm de pe care de lupta si tunuri de asalt, obuziere câmp calibru 105 mm H 4, Ofenrohr, Fauspatrone, grenade de arma pentru trombloane.

Marele Stat Major. Sectia a 4-a, Biroul 6
Rezumatul discutiilor dintre generalii Steflea si Wagner cu ocazia conferintei din 22 mai 1944
6. Dorim sa introducem pistolul mitraliera german Md. 43 si rugam sa ni se dea modelul, eventual licenta pentru a fi fabricat la noi....
Domnul general Wagner a dat urmatoarele raspunsuri:
6. Introducerea pistolului mitraliera 43 în armata germana a fost pripita, caci fabricatia munitiilor nu poate tine ritmul pistolului.
Daca noi putem face si munitia, ne dau licenta.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: February 27, 2022 06:18 am
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General de corp de armata

Group: Members
Posts: 1879
Member No.: 17
Joined: June 22, 2003

Petre, thank you for your fast reply.
Your information is also a reminder that the German industry, who could not supply properly the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, was expected by the Axis allies to deliver for them, too. The German industry was plagued by big problems: lack of raw materials, American and British aerial bombing, German skilled workers sent to front-line and replaced with hostile foreign slaves. Occasionally, last but not least, inefficient manufacturing strategies and technologies.
Well, the German industry is in much better shape today: they announced on Feb 26 the delivery of 1000 anti-tank and 500 anti-aircraft portable rocket launchers to Ukraine. I guess that this is only a warm up...
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