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> 4-th Army at Stalingrad, It's less described!
Posted: June 06, 2009 02:02 pm
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General de divizie

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I've noticed that in almost all the historical writings the tragedy of the Third Army is best known and most related. Why is that? Only because there was the sector of the first attack of Red Army? The losses were big, as well! I also noticed that most of the memories of veterans are focused on the north sector (3-rd Army) too.
Is it only my oppinion?

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Posted: April 23, 2018 07:31 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Article : The fight of The Stalingrad Front units against the 7th romanian Army Corps in the Kalmyk Steppes, nov. 20-30, 1942

Lupta unităţilor Frontului Stalingrad contra Corpului 7 Armată român în Stepele Calmîce, 20–30 nov. 1942

A translation is here :

This post has been edited by Petre on May 23, 2018 04:30 am
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Posted: June 20, 2018 09:13 am
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Locotenent colonel

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And here is another text :
The romanians near Stalingrad. The overthrow of the 7th.Army Corps by the soviet troops

and a translation here :
PMEmail Poster
Posted: August 14, 2018 05:00 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Posted: September 06, 2018 04:08 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Part two : Repetition for „Uran”. The unlearned romanian lesson

translation here
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 28, 2019 10:56 am
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Locotenent colonel

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The 51-st Army / The Stalingrad Front, with its left wing advanced to Kotelnikovo: the 4-th Cav.Corps (81-st and 61-st Cav. Divisions) were in action to Kotelnikovo.
On 27 nov. 42, the 61-st Cav. Division suffered losses in a battle with the 5-th rom. Cav. Div. and began to retreat to Umantsevo. Units of 81-st Div. attacked Kotelnikovo, but suffered losses and retreated.

This post has been edited by Petre on May 15, 2019 11:48 am
PMEmail Poster
Posted: December 02, 2019 05:50 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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Source :

16. Infanteriedivision (mot), end of december 1942.

… Având noi toate aceste informatii, cum sa mai sarbatoresti fara griji Craciunul ? 4.Pz.A lupta din greu … Nici sarmanii din 4.Pz.A n-aveau cel mai bun Craciun, în stânga si în dreapta nimic bun, doar resturi din diviziile române … O sarcina grea a venit în al patrulea Craciun de razboi. Trimiteti imediat Reg.156 la 4.Pz.Armee ! Rusii ameninta sa împresoare la flancul drept. Românii nu pot rezista acolo. … Reg.156 nu va avea un An Nou obisnuit. Acum pe pozitia Iaskul a mai ramas doar un regiment întarit, ca sa acopere spatiul larg dintre cele doua Heeresgruppe. …
Bat. III / R.156 (german) era încheietor în marsul regimentului. Nimerit în vârtejul românilor fugari, acest batalion a pierdut legatura cu regimentul si, din ordinul 4.Pz.Armee a fost întors la Elista.
Elista urma sa fie abandonata în 48 de ore.
În spartura de 100 km dintre armata si divizia noastra inamicul a adus o noua grupare de lovire cu tancuri si motorizate, directionând-o spre Zavetnoe, dupa care spre Remontnoe, adica în spatele nostru. Ramasitele Corpurilor române care ramasesera aici s-au retras în dezordine si fara sa se mai opreasca. spre sud si sud-vest, catre trecerile peste r. Manîci. În seara de 29.12 grosul fortelor diviziei au fost mutate de la Ulan-Erghe la Elista... Despre situatia la Remontnoe românii în retragere au raspândit zvonuri foarte crunte.

This post has been edited by Petre on December 17, 2019 03:58 pm
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