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> Translation of late war Recommendatio for a medal
New Connaught Ranger
Posted: April 30, 2012 05:35 pm
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Translation of late war Recommendation for a medal.

Can anybody give me a full English Translation for this please:-

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Many thanks,

Kevin in Deva. biggrin.gif
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 30, 2012 06:56 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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For the first, the romanian text should be clarified. Let's see (Y/N):
Raport special
Faptele de arme ale Soldatului Arvatescu Dumitru, contingent 1945, din Escadronul (?? A.Greu ??).
Pe timpul actiunii de la Sacalaz Nord Timisoara, ramane cu mitraliera sa pe pozitie, flancand infanteria germana atacatoare, obigand-o cu focul ce deschidea cu mitraliera sa se incetineasca, dand timp camarazilor sai sa se replieze. Nu pleaca de pe pozitie nici cand inamicul este ajuns la 10 m in fata sa, continuand singur focul, murind pe mitaliera de o grenada.
De remarcat ca acest soldat, la venirea in companie, a cerut sa fie incadrat la mitraliera si nu s-a despartit de ea nici mort.
Pentru faptele de arme a acestui brav ostas sacrificat, propun a fi decorat cu Medalia "Virtutea Militara" - post mortem, clasa a 2-a.
Cdt R.13 Calarasi,

This post has been edited by Petre on April 30, 2012 07:00 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 30, 2012 09:23 pm
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I agree with Petre's clarified Romanian version.
I propose this English translation:

"Special report
Soldier's Arvatescu Dumitru arms deeds, drafted 1945, Squadron ...

During the Sacalaz Nord (Timisoara) action he remains with the machine gun in position, flanking the attacking german infantry, forcing it with machine gun fire to slow down, thus providing time for his comrades to fall back. He doesn't leave the position, not even when the ennemy is at 10 meters in front of him, keeping firing alone, dying on the machine gun by grenade fire.
To be mentioned that this soldier, upon arriving in the company, asked to be assigned at the machine gun, which he never gave up, not even in death.
For the arms deeds of this brave sacrificed soldier, I propose to be decorated with "Military Virtue" Medal- post death, 2nd class.
13th Regiment Cavalry,

Best Regards,
PMEmail Poster
Posted: May 01, 2012 05:23 am
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However, I believe there may be something odd here: it appears that the soldier was part of the 1945 draft schedule, if we interpreted correctly the "ctg. 1945" abbreviation, but fought near Timisoara. Were there fights with german troops in Timisoara region in 1945 ? Or perhaps people due to be drafted in 1945 were drafted earlier - in 1944 ?
PMEmail Poster
Posted: May 01, 2012 07:05 am
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Esc A. Greu is the one of the 2 heavy weapons squadrons.

QUOTE (luciang @ May 01, 2012 07:23 am)
However, I believe there may be something odd here: it appears that the soldier was part of the 1945 draft schedule, if we interpreted correctly the "ctg. 1945" abbreviation, but fought near Timisoara. Were there fights with german troops in Timisoara region in 1945 ? Or perhaps people due to be drafted in 1945 were drafted earlier - in 1944 ?

There were no figths in the ara in 1945. He was drafted earlier.
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Posted: May 01, 2012 07:24 am
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So, a more accurate translation would be:

"Soldier's Arvatescu Dumitru arms deeds, draft schedule 1945,..."
PMEmail Poster
Posted: May 01, 2012 09:24 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Considering as little weird using the present time in the romanian text, I would suggest some small changes :

Special Report
The Deeds of Arms of Soldier Arvatescu Dumitru (draft schedule 1945, Heavy Weapons Squadron)

During the actions near Sacalaz - Timisoara, he remained with his machine gun in position, in the flank of the attaking German infantry, opening fire and forcing it to slow down, thus giving time to his comrades to refold. He has not left the position, even when the ennemy was at 10 meters in front of him, keeping firing alone and dying on the machine gun by a grenade fire.
To remark that this soldier, when he joined his company, he asked to be assigned at the machine gun, then he has not separated from it nor dead.
For the Deeds of Arms of this brave sacrificed soldier, I propose to be posthumously awarded with "The Military Virtue" Medal - 2nd class.
The 13th Cavalry Regiment C.O.

Also I saw Sacalaz is West of Timisoara

This post has been edited by Petre on May 01, 2012 09:27 am
PMEmail Poster
New Connaught Ranger
Posted: May 01, 2012 10:37 am
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Many thanks for your help with this document, Gentlemen biggrin.gif
PMEmail Poster
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