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> 23 August 1944, 61 years ago...
Posted: September 11, 2009 02:48 pm
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Hy, can somebody teel me what was the quanity of material camptured by romanians from the german army, during the 23.08.44 events ? How many, trucks, canons,motorcycles etc ? Does anybody has some pictures whith material, vehicles captured or destroed during those fights ?
Many thanks.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 07, 2013 11:55 am
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In this articles it sed that element of the Vlasov army were in Ploiesti area after 23.08.1944 :

Did somebody nows something about that ? I now that elements of the vlasov army were in Yugoslavia in the summer of 1944. Could be that this troops were transported by air from Belgrad alongside the brandemburg paratroopers in order to suport germans after 23.08.44 ?

PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 07, 2013 01:23 pm
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Plutonier major

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Well, russian forces in Yugoslavia were thouse of XV SS Cossack Cavalery Corps ,under Kononov,and they were not part of Vlasovs ROA,but Waffen SS.
The russians/ukraineans the author mentioned, could be HIWIs,which were present in many german units ( over 2 million of them ).

This post has been edited by guina on January 07, 2013 01:25 pm
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Posted: July 18, 2014 07:00 pm
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Sovinformbiuro (Soviet Bureau of public Informations)

20 - 31 august 1944, the troops of 2. and 3. Ukrainean Fronts took as prisoniers 208.600 enemyes, of wich 97.100 germans.

Among them were :
CO of 7.Corps - artil.gen. Hell,
CO of 30. Corps - lt.gen. Postel,
CO of 79. inf.Div. - lt.gen. Weinknecht,
CO of 9. inf.Div. - major.gen. Gebb,
CO of 302. inf.Div. - major.gen. von Bogen,
CO of 282. inf.Div. - major.gen. Frenking,
CO of 62. inf.Div. - major.gen. Тronnier,
Commander of Iaşi city - major.gen. Stingel,
CO of 106. inf.Div. - col. Rintenberg,
CO of 258. inf.Div - col. Hielscher,
CO of 76. inf.Div. - col. von Bissing,
CO of 1. Flak Div. - col. Simon,
CO of 1.Corps - corps gen. Radu Gheorghe,
Chief of staff 1.Corps - gen.brig. Dimitrescu,
Chief of artilery 7.Corps - brig.gen. Cozma Gheorghe,
Chief Supply 5.Corps - brig.gen. Borună(?) Gheorghe,
CO of 1. inf.Div. rom. brig.gen. Saidac Alexandru,
CO of 14. inf.Div. - brig.gen. Voicu,
CO of 13. inf.Div. - div.gen. Dimitriu,
CO of 1. Guard Div. - brig.gen. Opriş Ştefan,
CO of 110. inf.Div.(?) - div.gen. Stănescu Traian(?),
Deputy CO of 110. inf.Div.(?) - brig.gen. Spirea,
CO of 20.inf.Div. - brig.gen. Теоdorescu.

They were found killed in actions:
CO of 4.Corps – inf.gen. Мieth,
CO of 15. inf.Div. - major.gen. Sperl,
CO of 294. inf.Div. - major.gen. von Eichstädt,
CO of 384. inf.Div. - lt.gen. de Salengre-Drabbe,
CO of 306. inf.Div. - col. Blümke,
CO of 20. inf.Div. - col. Schell.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: July 19, 2014 06:57 am
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Petre, can you find from the Soviet side the details surrounding the death of Gen. Artur Phleps in Simand village, near Arad, on 21 Sept. 1944?

Gen. Dénes
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Posted: August 10, 2014 07:05 pm
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Some interesting phacts regarding the soviet advanse in Romania after 20.08.1944 and the problems encouter in the memoirs of a sovit sherman tank comander. The were may be some oportunits to couse serious losses to the soviet tank forces.

the chapters: A "Cocktail" for the Shermans
The Yakushkin Method
PMEmail Poster
Posted: October 08, 2016 12:48 pm
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War diary, Maritime Warfare Command, Kriegsmarine.
(Selections from Kriegstagebuch (KTB) der Seekriegsleitung)

Volume : August 1944

23 Aug. 1944

… A manifesto of the romanian King was published by the radio station Bukarest at 22.30 with following contents:
"The Romanian Government accepted the armistice offered by Russia and the Allied Nations. A new government was formed which received instructions to cease at once war-acts with Russia and to end the state of war with the Allied Nations. Romania, received with confidence the armies of the Allied Nations. The Allied Nations guranteed the independency of Romania and the non-intervention in interior affairs of Romania. They further acknowledged the injustice of the Vienna umpire's decision.
Romanians will cross the frontier at the side of the Allied Nations and will free Northern Transylvania. Dictatorship is over. Everybody who resists the free resolutions of the Romanian Government is an enemy of Romania and must be annihilated."

According to a British broadcast a new Government of the national union was formed under gen. Sanatescu. The leader of the peasants Maniu is believed to be a member of the new cabinet.

To inquiry the Naval Liaison Staff Bukarest reports by telephone that Romanian troops received order not to attack Ge. units stationed in Romania.

This treason of the Romanian ally is the obvious result of the collapse of the northern Romanian front. Our total war situation received through this a new heavy load. The step of Romania will presumably influence also the attitude of Bulgaria. It is obvious what the loss of the oil supplies from Romania means. About 27% of the total german consumption was procured from this country according to the latest report on the situation.

24 Aug. 1944

Army Group Southern Ukraine (Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine) :
The enemy advanced from the area of Tiraspol to the south up to the Cunduc Lake and thereby surrounded the III. Romanian Corps (?). Further to the west he is advancing in direction to Galatz and to the lower Pruth. Also from the area of Jassy he advanced far to the south and arrived with tank spearheads near Barlad.
The northern wing of 6th Ge. Army received orders to break through to the southwest.
The Ge. Forces near Roman were engaged in heavy defense fighting and were withdrawn to the western bank of the Moldova.

Special Items :
1. In the fore-ground is placed the situation caused by the desertion of Romania.
Also the late liberal leader Bratianu is a member of the new formed cabinet in Bukarest according to foreign reports. Members of four parties formed the cabinet and that by national-liberals, members of the peasant party, communists and social-democrats.

02.15 Operations Staff, OKW Quartermaster Division issued the following directions :
"The Fuhrer issued orders to Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine owing to the development of situation in Romania. It will be the obtrusive task of the Ge. Forces to protect the oil production and transportation via pipelines and rail to Giurgiu with a further protection for a transport on Danube as well as the mineral oil cartage by rail via Kronstadt. Prepare the taking over of management by Ge. Forces."

02.30 The Naval Liaison Staff Romania reports:
"New Romanian Government was formed under the leadership of Maniu holding mutual confidence. The cabinet is directed to the left. The Marshal resigned. Peace negotiations were started with Russia and Anglo-America. The enemy guaranteed the existence of Romania and in addition Northern Transylvania. The manifest of the King further stated to abstain from hostile actions against Germans. Facts contradict this latest promise through the attempted arresting of a civil servant holding officers rank.”

03.00 Operations Staff, OKW transmits:
"To suppress the attempted insurrection in Romania Fuhrer ordered for the present:
1. All forces in Romania belonging to Luftwaffe were placed under the command of the Commander in Chief, Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine.
2. The German General attached to the Romanian Armed Forces High Command received order to suppress the revolt in Bukarest. To accomplish this, 5th Anti-aircraft Division (5. Flak-Division) should occupy Bukarest.
3. Admiral Brinkmann, the Commanding Admiral, Black Sea received orders to occupy Constanta.
4. … "

Concerning arrangement of command in Romania Fuhrer issued at 03.00 the following orders :
"The Commander in Chief Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine received the authority to employ all combat forces and combat means of the armed forces and Waffen SS as well as available forces of the Ge. organisations and formations outside of the Armed Forces, of the party and civil administration and of other Reich and ethnic germans, to maintain peace, safety and order in Romania and to repulse the Soviet Russian large scale attack."

According to information from the side of Admiral, Fuhrer Headquarters, the Commanding General of Luftwaffe in Romania reported by telephone at 04.15 in agreement with the German ambassador to the Fuhrer Headquarters :
"This is not the revolt of a court-camarilla, but a well prepared coup d'etat from above in complete agreement with army and total nation. The people and troops were informed by radio. The step received remotest consent. No general can be found to form a counter-government against the King and new government as all of them were up to the last faithful to their King. Extensive measures of precaution were adopted against all Ge. authorities and troops in Bukarest. A transmitting of orders was rendered impossible. No expectations of military and political successes on account of strength proportion at present."

04.30 Admiral, Fuhrer Headquarters transmits to … :
"1. The reports from the Naval Intelligence, Kriegsmarine, concerning proceeding in Romania were confirmed.
2. Ge. office of administration Bukarest is at present cut-off. 5. Flak-Division received orders to free the Ge. office of administration.
3. Fuhrer issued orders to the Commanding Admiral, Black Sea:
"Occupy the harbor of Constanta and surroundings at once.
4. General Friessner was appointed Chief of Armed Forces, High Command South-East (?). Task : Concentration of forces of all three branches of the armed forces with the task of liquidating Romania.
5. Fuhrer ordered the Reich Foreign Minister to issue a proclamation to the Romanian people in our favor. Intercalate the romanian Iron Front."

12.25 Admiral, Fuhrer Headquarters reported by telephone that the Commanding General of Luftwaffe in Romania reported at 03.30: "Succeeded in forcing our way through and took over command in Ploiesti together with SS-Brigadefuhrer Hoffmeyer. "

General Friessner was appointed Chief of the Armed Forces (?). Range - existing area of Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine inclusively Romania.

13.00 The Military Attache reported the following facts issued by the Operations Staff, OKW concerning the formulation of the comentary on the situation in Romania:
"Developments still proceeding and not yet recognisable at a glance. It is obvious that a Romanian clique in cooperation with the King had intercourse with the enemy as his proclamation proved and formed a new government. In the meantime a national counter-government has been formed. Further counter-measures of military nature were started."

17.20 Admiral, Fuhrer Headquarters transmits situation report :
"Group Gerstenberg (5. Flak-Division and provided forces) is in front of Bukarest. Radio station Bukarest is in our hands. Penetration of the town was rendered more difficult by the mining of all gateway roads and the presence or heavy weapons in the hands of the romanians. Three german air raids with good results were made on the town till noon. The situation censure from General Hansen transmitted by telephone is not shared. Hungary is marching against Romania near Klausenburg. Relationship between Germany and Hungary is apparently easing."
"Fuhrer draws the attention to the importance of fact to man the romanian naval vessels especially those of the Danube monitors.
Kriegsmarine, Operations Division transmitted the last indication as most urgent radio message to the Naval Group South (Marinegruppenkommando Süd) and Commanding Admiral Black Sea as well as to the special plenipotentiary Danube with the appendix : "Secure operation with all means."

23.15 Marinegruppenkommando Süd received orders to cancel all planned deliveries to the Romanian navy as PT-boats, motor minesweepers, naval landing craft etc.

Naval Liaison Staff Bukarest switched off the radio station.
No reports were received from Bukarest itself. Our troops met mining and heavy Romanian weapons on the gate-way roads leading out of Bukarest.
The oil area of Ploiesti was occupied by our own troops.

25 Aug. 1944

According to an official statement issued by the Russian Foreign Commissary, the Soviet Government does not believe it superfluous in connection with the events in Romania to confirm their declaration made in April of the previous year whereupon the USSR does not claim romanian territory. The Red Army of course could not cancel war actions inside of Romanian territory as long as Ge. troops were within.

The Southern Ukraine :
The bulk of the Romanian formations were abandoning their positions
and marching to the south partly in regular order and partly strongly disbanded.
III. Romanian Corps(?) is crossing the Danube near Kilia. Persuing Russian tank formations captured this place and also Ismail. Nothing is known about the whereabouts of 9th German Infantry Corps(?).
The four German corps between Tiraspol and Pruth were fighting their way back to the southeast. The enemy is trying to intercept this movement at the Pruth by blocking the crossings near Falciu Tg, Leova and northeasterly of Husi.
Corps-Group Mieth is fighting westerly of Husi. The enemy pushed through to Barlad. Advancing from Roman the Russians captured the territory near Bacau and crossed there the golden Bistritz. Ge. troops were fighting their way back to the south west from the area of Roman to the Carpathian Mts. Hostilities were started by the Romanians against 3. Gebirgs-Division southerly of Radautz.

From Romania, RSHA transmits most secret report from the communication area there concerning the set up of the new cabinet, which seems to be in power in Bukarest. The Armed Forces were supporting the new government in Transylvania. The situation is coming to a head at different places between german and romanian Armed Forces based on the ultimatum, demanding Ge. troops to leave the country. Communications with Ge. authorities in Bukarest were not possible as well as a break-through in direction to Kronstadt - Bukarest or Kronstadt - Hungary - Moldova as the frontiers were occupied by Romanian military and armed civilians.

00.43 Marinegruppenkommando Süd transmits…
2. Bukarest was today attacked by German bombers according to different reports. Heavy damage and fire in government buildings were caused. Among them is the King’s palace.
3. Here the army issued orders to prepare evacuation but this order was only carried out in single cases to a limited extent. It is not known here if evacuation was carried out in favor of the Gerstenberg action or if only a smaller remaining formation was concerned.

Naval Staff, Operations Division transmitted the summary to Marinegruppenkommando Süd as follows:
"1. Proceedings in Bukarest proved that Ge. authorities were not able to cope with the situation…”

12.20 Admiral, Fuhrer Headquarters transmitted by telephone situation report from General Gerstenberg to the OKW :
"Situation in Bukarest serious. Our own forces were at the northern brim of Bukarest. Attack and occupation of Bukarest is not possible without the supply of heavy weapons. During day and night our air force attacked with good results the ministerial presidency and the palace of the King. The oil area of Ploiesti is surrounded by romanians, hostilities have not yet started.
Transportation of production has ceased."

… radio messages from the Commanding Admiral, Black Sea stated that the enemy spearhead arrived southerly of Babadag and is advancing to the south without meeting any resistance of the romanians. In radio message at 10.46 the Commanding Admiral, Black Sea asked for instructions concerning attitude of naval and army forces.

Four Russian gun boats were sighted near Kilia sailing against the stream, according to an intercepted teletype from Heeresgruppe of 10.48.
Heeresgruppe asked the Commanding Admiral, Black Sea respectively Marinegruppenkommando Süd for counter-measures.

16.32 … broadcasting by the radio station Bukarest :
"The German Air Force raided at the same time the capital of Romania and other towns of the country violently and destroyed non-military objects in which the palace of the King was the main target. Numerous casualties were suffered by the civilian population. With these aggressive operations which took place at the same time in different parts of the country, Germany entered a state of war with Romania.
Therefore the government issued orders to the Romanian Army to start at once operations against all Ge. Forces inside of Romanian territory delivering the country from the german occupation.
The government is assured that the army will fight with all gallantry adequate to our glorious history and that the romanian civilian population will support the army.”

Official communique from the Government.

18.15 Operations Staff, OKW, Group Foreign Countries, transmitted the following report from radio station Bukarest:
"Luftwaffe raided Bukarest and other romanian towns. Therefore Romania considered itself at war with Germany and issued orders, that Romanian troops should attack Ge. troops."

26 Aug. 1944

Chief of the Ge.Mil.Mission in Romania will be placed in every connection under the High Command, Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine.

Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
Southerly of Sea-Danube it is said that the enemy is advancing from Tulcea to Babadag.
6th German Army is fighting its way further back to the lower Pruth. Contact was made with Corps-Group Mieth westerly of the Pruth in the area of Husi. The bridge-place Leova was captured by the enemy through an attack of armoured forces from the east and west. Parts of a tank infantry division were in action protecting the bridgehead Falciu Tg. Westerly of the Seret, the Ge. Forces were thrown back in direction of the Carpathian Mts. in heavy fighting, causing many casualties. The enemy captured Bacau and Onesti.

No clear reports were received concerning the fighting in Bukarest.
There the romanian resistance seems to be incensed. After all no further combat actions were reported up to now between german and romanian troops since the declaration of war on Germany.

27 Aug. 1944

Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
The position of 6th Army aggravated essentially also in the area of Focsani as also in the area of the surrounded divisions at both sides of Husi. The divisions were surrounded in narrowest area and were fighting furiously against an enemy, strong in tanks. The romanians prevented any kind of supplying.
Ge. Forces were defending crossings westerly of Braila Seret. The enemy broke through the prepared positions easterly of Focsani and is advancing to the south. Own forces were engaged in heavy defense fighting near Targul Ocna having the Carpathian Mts. in their rear. Northerly of them the Russians reached the Romanian-Hungarian frontier and advanced into the Hungarian territory to Uzul. The Predeal pass was occupied by the Romanian troops southerly of Kronstadt. Ge. troops at Ploiesti and near Bukarest were surrounded by Romanian troops.

28 Aug. 1944

Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
The remnants of 6th Army received order to fight their way back from the area of Husi to the Carpathian Mts.
The Ge. Forces stationed westerly of Galatz should withdraw to the southeastern Carpathian Mts. and should block the border of the Carpathian Mts. from Ploiesti to the western Foksani.
On a broad front the Russians broke through the straits between Galatz and Carpathian Mts. and reached with advanced guards Buzau. Enemy pressure increased against the Carpathian Mts. passes along the frontier of Transylvania. The enemy established successes.

Obviously Sea-Danube is now Russian area. Therefore operations of our naval forces there would not be franglet with meaning. The question is if a battering-through to the west is still possible respectively how the reported plans mentioned and concerning the holding of our own position in the Bulgarian area should be valued.
Chief, Kriegsmarine clarified this question with the Commander in Chief, Marinegruppenkommando Süd by telephone. According to telephone conversation, Kriegsmarine, Operations Division confirmed by teletype as follows :
"1. Present existing orders for the Naval Forces of the Commanding Admiral Black Sea. Supporting of our crossing movements at Sea-Danube were abundant as no own movements existed more.
2. A further aim of the operating naval forces on the Danube was to reach the middle Danube for operations protecting our river shipping which cannot be accomplished now on account of further strengthening of the enemy in the Dobrogea and his advance against the stream by which the possibility of refuelling is impaired.
3. Therefore only thrusts should be made by the naval forces to Sea-Danube to harass Russian movements.

From the position-survey of Kriegsmarine, on the evening :
1. Romania. No clear situation as reports partly contradict themselves. Situation apparently aggravated. Ge. troops were surrounded near Bukarest and Ploiesti by romanians. New own forces were brought up. (…)

Sea-Danube near Galatz is occupied by Russians. Russian impediment must be expected above this town. According to British broadcast Sulina and Tulcea were occupied by vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
The command of the complete Danube was handed over by Marinegruppenkommando Süd to the Inspector of Minesweeping Service, Danube (Inspekteur Minenräumdienst Donau) who alone is in the position to create presentive measures for the river.

29 Aug. 1944

Hull declared at a press conference on 28 Aug that the Armistice with Romania was in first line a Russian affair as Romania was inside of the Russian military sphere. Negotiations with Romania started through Russian initiative.

Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
Reports were not received from 6th Army.
Based on Russian report heavy casualties must be expected. The enemy captured Buzau between Danube and Carpathian Mts. and advanced from here in direction to Ploiesti and Bukarest. No reports were received from the German battle groups of this area.
A few pass roads were lost along the Transylvanian frontier westerly
of Targul Ocna. Counter measures were started.

After receiving instructions from Kriegsmarine from todays conference on the situation with Commander in Chief, Kriegsmarine, Marinegruppenkommando Süd countermanded at 21.20 its last order concerning naval tasks. The CO of 3rd Minesweeper Flotilla (3. Räumbootsflottille), the U-boats U19, U20 and U23 received instructions:
"a) Shelling of Constanta should not take place, only torpedo attacks by submarines after return of 3.Räumbootsflottille.
B) After completing present operations, Räumbootsflottille will return to Varna, scuttle vessels and personnel will be picked up by Group Remmler."

According to British broadcast, Russians occupied the harbor of Constanta.

30 Aug. 1944

Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
Still no news from 6th Army.
The Ge. Forces southerly of Buzau were not yet able to establish a break-through in direction to the Carpathian Mts.
The enemy captured Constanta and arrived with tank spearheads in the area of Ploiesti where heavy fighting was taking place with Ge. troops.
The enemy advanced in Transylvania up to the railway track Kronstadt - Cikszereda. Heavy fighting is under way for the possession of this town.

31 Aug. 1944
Heeresgruppe Süd-Ukraine :
The enemy captured the oil area of Ploiesti and arrived in the area 30 km northeasterly of Bukarest. Nothing is known from the strong Ge. Forces at last situated southerly of Buzau. Annihilation is possible.
We were successful in establishing a blocking in the mountains northerly of Ploiesti. Enemy attacks were repulsed northerly of Kronstadt. Fighting was going on in Transylvania, especially in the (?) Oituzpass. Our mountaineer troops were only successful in occupying little ground in heavy fighting.

This post has been edited by Petre on October 08, 2016 12:56 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: December 01, 2016 06:36 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Book (rus) Oleg Hlobustov :
Grandmasters of the secret war. Pyotr Ivashutin, a life dedicated to intelligence. Moskow, 2016

During the offensive started on 20 аugust by the soviet troops, at 22 august was completed the tactical encirclement (?) of the main german-romanian forces.
Pyotr Ivashutin (major-general, Chief counter-intelligence „Smersh”, 3rd.Ukr.Front) reported to the Mil. Council of the Front that the antifascists forces reached an agreement with the nominal leader of Romania, the king Mihai I (23 years) on dismissal of the actual dictator Ion Antonescu and readiness to surrender to the Soviet troops.
However, Soviet Marshal Zhukov, coming from Moscow as a representative of the Stavka, demanded to continue the offensive on the encircled enemy units who were desperately resisting. The situation was saved by Chief USSR Mil. counter-intelligence "Smersh", gen. V.S. Abakumov, who reported the information received from P.I. Ivashutin about Romania's readiness to exit from the war. Stalin sent a telegram to I.F.Tolbukhin "to proceed according to the situation".
The senseless offensive on the encircled enemy units was not started, that saved dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of lives of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army and, as subsequent events showed, it was absolutely justified.
On 23 аugust in Bukarest «conducătorul» Ion Antonescu was arrested in the royal palace and on 24 august Romania declared war on Germany, the romanian units ceased the resistence on all the front line.
The german Army Group „South-Ukraine” ceased to exist.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 11, 2017 08:20 am
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Source, Net (rus)
The interogatory protocol of generalleutnant R. Stahel

25 аug. 1945, Moscow
Generalleutnant Stahel Reiner, n.1892, Bielefeld, din familie de ofiţer, în armată din 1911, fără partid. Decorat cu Crucea Cavalerilor cu spade şi frunze de stejar.

- De ce a trebuit să plecaţi de la Warşovia ?
- La 25 аug. 1944, conform ordinului OKW am plecat imediat în România pentru a da ajutor trupelor germane, aflate în încercuire în raionul Otopeni. În sarcina mea intra scoaterea trupelor din încercuire, după care acţiuni conform indicaţiilor comandamentului Heeresgruppe Sud.
- Aţi reuşit să scoateţi trupele germane din încercuire ?
- Am reuşit să scot trupele germane din prima încercuire. Însă în scurt timp unităţile conduse de mine au nimerit într-o nouă încercuire, mai puternică, formată din trupe sovietice şi române. Din a doua încercuire trupele germane n-au reuşit să iasă, iar eu am fost arestat de autorităţile militare române pe 2 sept.1944.

The interogatory protocol of generalleutnant R. Stahel
15 dec. 1947, Моscow
- … l-aţi numit printre cunoscuţi pe gen. Gerstenberg. Precizaţi unde aţi făcut cunoştinţă ?
- Pe Generalleutnant Gerstenberg l-am văzut prima dată în 1943 la comandamentul Luftflotte 4 a feldmareşalului Richthofen. Atunci am aflat că Gerstenberg este ataşat militar aero şi comandant al Forţelor aeriene germane din România. Mai îndeaproape m-am cunoscut cu Gerstenberg în România, unde am ajuns în august 1944.
- Ce i-aţi spus lui Gerstenberg despre venirea în România?
- I-am spus lui Gerstenberg că am venit cu misiunea de a elibera de sub arest Mis. Militară şi trupele germane din încercuire.
- La interogatoriu Gerstenberg a arătat : «la 27 aug.1944 gen. Stahel a ajuns în aşa numita “tabără din pădure” de lângă Bucureşti, unde se afla statul major german comandat de mine, încercuit de unităţi române. Stahel mi-a raportat că a venit сu sarcini din partea comandamentului suprem al lui Hitler, ... că sarcinile le-a primit personal de la Şeful SMG Guderian, care l-a chemat urgent de la Warşovia, unde Stahel era comandant militar». Confirmaţi asta ?
- Într-adevăr, l-am informat pe Gerstenberg că am venit de la comandamentul lui Hitler cu misiune de la Şeful SMG OKH Guderian. I-am mai spus lui Gerstenberg că pentru călătoria în România am fost chemat de la Warşovia, unde eram comandant militar.
- Ce i-aţi relatat lui Guderian despre activitatea de comandant militar al Warşoviei ?
- Acum nu-mi pot aduce aminte despre asta.
- I-aţi povestit lui Gerstenberg despre participarea înăbuşirii revoltei de la Warşovia ?
- Nu exclud să-i fi spus ceva despre...

The interogatory protocol of Oberst M. Braun

22 sept. 1951, Moscow
Braun М., n.1893 Freising (Bavaria), fără partid, pregătire militară superioară, fost oberstleutnant în armata germană.

- Cu generalul Stahel Reiner vă cunoaşteţi ?
- Pe generalul Stahel nu l-am cunoscut personal, dar am auzit multe despre el din discuţiile cu ofiţerii şi generalii. Gen. Stahel era cunoscut în armata germană ca «spărgător de încercuiri», ca un general aflat în subordine directă a Comandamentului suprem, care executa comenzile speciale, de răspundere, de la Hitler.
La finele aug.1944, când guvernul Anonescu a fost răsturnat şi arestat, iar trupele germane au fost blocate de români, Stahel din ordinul personal al lui Hitler a venit în România pentru a ocupa Bucureştiul, a elibera guvernul Antonescu, Mis.Mil.Germană şi funcţionarii ambasadei. În misiunea lui Stahel intra şi înăbuşirea puciului ofiţerilor din Armata română şi menţinerea României de partea Germaniei în războiul contra Un.Sov.

- Arătaţi ce a făcut concret Stahel pentru a îndeplini ordinul lui Hitler ?
- Stahel împreună cu comandantul aviaţiei germane din România gen. Gerstenberg au făcut o încercare de a ocupa Bucureştiul, în care scop au recurs la operaţiuni ofensive cu trupe terestre şi bombardarea oraşului din aer. Însă forţele armatei române depăşeau forţele unităţilor militare germane existente atunci în România şi de aceea tentativa germanilor de a ocupa Bucureştiul n-a reuşit. Stahel şi Gerstenberg, împreună cu alţi ofiţeri şi rămăşiţele unităţilor mil. germane au fost făcuţi prizonieri de trupele române.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 16, 2017 10:13 am
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Oberst M. Braun was the comander of the Kampfgruppe Braun from 20 Panzer Divizion ? It was captured by the russians ?
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 16, 2017 04:54 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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From the interrogation protocol of german mil. attache, generalmajor K. Splacke (former mil. attachee, Bukarest) :

Answer : - Being from 1940 to 1944 as aide of german mil. attache, ( oberstleutnant Max ) Braun pursued an active espionage activity, serving the german intelligence and also vigorously working towards the strengthening of the Romanian-German military cooperation and for use of Romania in the war against the Soviet Union, thus participating in the implementation of the military and political plans of Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union.

This post has been edited by Petre on January 16, 2017 04:56 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 27, 2017 05:56 am
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Locotenent colonel

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Source, Net (rus).
From the interrogation protocols of Luftwaffe generalleutnant A. Gerstenberg :

15 june 1948, Moscow

În seara de 23 august, împreună cu alţi conducători germani din România, am fost chemaţi la ambasadorul Killinger şi am aflat că Regele l-a arestat pe Antonescu şi a format un nou guvern, care a încheiat armistiţiul cu aliaţii.

Despre asta Killinger a informat la Berlin, iar Hitler i-a ordonat Şefului Hansen să înăbuşe puciul, să-l aresteze pe Rege şi să restabilească puterea lui Antonescu sau să formeze un nou guvern în frunte cu un general român germanofil de încredere, însă Hansen n-a găsit necesar să îndeplinească acest ordiun, motivând cu insuficienţa trupelor germane în Bucureşti.

În scurt timp, pe adresa ambasadorului a venit o radiogramă de la Cdt. Gr. Armate Ucraina de Sud, generaloberst Friessner, care în numele lui Hitler a ordonat să fie înlocuit din funcţie Hansen, iar înăbuşirea puciului să mi se atribuie mie. După aceea, eu, Hansen şi consilierul ambasadei Steltzer am fost chemaţi la noul PM român Sănătescu, care ne-a informat că lângă Bucureşti (raionul Băneasa) trupele germane îi atacă pe români şi ne-a rugat să dăm ordine trupelor să înceteze vărsarea de sânge fără rost.

Hansen a spus că nu poate face asta din lipsa legăturii cu trupele şi împreună cu consilierul Steltzer s-a întors la ambasadă. Eu i-am promis lui Sănătescu să-i îndeplinesc rugămintea dacă mi se va permite să ajung personal la trupe. Sănătescu a fost de acord şi mi-a dat ca însoţitori doi colonei români (numele nu mi le amintesc). Fără să mai dau pe la ambasadă, am plecat imediat cu ei la Băneasa, unde erau dislocate trupe germane.

Ajungând în acel loc, m-am convins că românii şi germanii într-adevăr se luptă între ei, existând morţi şi răniţi. În loc să liniştesc rupele germane, cum îi promisesem lui Sănătescu, le-am organizat pentru a lupta mai departe contra românilor cu scopul ocupării Bucureştiului, arestării Regelui şi readucerii lui Antonescu la putere, iar pe coloneii români care m-au însoţit i-am reţinut ca prizonieri.

La scurt timp m-a sunat Friessner, care a întărit dispoziţiunile lui Hitler ca Hansen să fie schimbat, iar înăbuşirea puciului să îmi revină mie. L-am rugat pe Friessner să-mi trimită la dispoziţie trupe suplimentare, dar n-am primit răspuns, convorbirea s-a întrerupt pe neaşteptate.

A sunat iar telefonul, pe fir erau Jodl şi Hitler. Сu mine a vorbit Jodl, dar după cum am înţeles, dicta vorbele lui Hitler, care stătea lângă el la aparat. Hitler mi-a sugerat să încep imediat cu toată energia o ofensivă asupra Bucureştiului, să ocup capitala cu orice preţ, să-l arestez pe Rege şi să-l readuc la putere pe Antonescu. A mai ordonat să fie arestat Hansen şi să fie adus la el la comandament. Ca răspuns la rugămintea mea, Hitler a promis să-mi trimită la dispoziţie o divizie de trupe motorizate şi paraşutişti şi a mai spus că i-a dat indicaţii Cd-tului Luftflotte 4 privind susţinerea aeriană a operaţiunilor ofensive a trupelor mele.

Pentru îndeplinirea exemplară a ordinelor date, Hitler mi-a promis Crucea Cavalerilor pentru asigurarea realizării apărării Ploieştiului.

Dup aceste discuţii cu Hitler, din dimineaţa 24 аug.1944 am început o ofensivă decisivă asupra Bucureşti şi în urma a patru zile de lupte susţinute, am luat prizonieri 4500 militari români, şi de asemenea am lovit 14 tancuri «Тiger» din cele 25 contra noastră, primite de români de la germani.

La 27 aug.1944 a ajuns la mine cu un avion gen. Stahel, considerat un specialist în scoaterea din foc a trupelor împresurate. După venirea lui am încetat acţiunile de luptă, nefiind în măsură să continuăm lupta cu forţele române superioare şi am ieşit din împresurare.

- Şi întăririle promise de Hitler nu le-aţi primit ?

- Întăririle au fost trimise de fapt cu 25 avioane de transport, dar numai unul a ajuns la Bucureşti, aducând o companie de soldaţi. Restul de 24 avioane au fost lovite de ruşi şi nu şi-au atins ţinta. Ştiind că vin întăriri, am luptat susţinut timp de patru zile contra unei armate române de mii de oameni, având în total doar 1800 trupă, din care în urma luptelor am pierdut 800, restul au ieşit din încercuire.

Operaţiunile ofensive ale trupelor mele au fost susţinute de aviaţia Luftflotte 4. În acele zile Bucureştiul a fost supus unui puternic bombardament aerian, în urma cărora au avut de suferit serios câteva cartiere şi populaţia.

- Aţi încercat să fugiţi din România după ieşirea din încercuire ?

- Da, după ce eu şi Stahel am scos din încercuire trupele germane rămase, am avut intenţia să ieşim cu ele din România spre Apus. La cam 150 km. de Bucureşti l-am întâlnit întâmplător pe col. român Dragomir, de la St.maj. al Armatei 4 şi l-am rugat să ne indice un drum peste Carpaţi.
Dragomir a spus că el cunoaşte prost acele locuri şi ne-a recomandat să mergem cu el la St.maj Armata 4 unde să rezolvăm problema cu Şeful SMG român gen. Şteflea care se pare era acolo. Aşa am şi făcut. Lăsând trupele în câmp, eu şi cu Stahel am mers cu col. Dragomir la St.maj. Armata 4, unde pe 28 aug.1944 am fost făcuţi prizonieri de români şi trimişi la Bucureşti, iar pe 2 sept. Predaţi reprezentanţilor Armatei sovietice şi duşi la Moscova. Eu şi Stahel am înţeles că românii ne-au întins o cursă, bineînţeles că gen. Şteflea nu era la St.maj. al Amatei.

- Cum vă reevaluaţi ultimele acţiuni, orientate spre menţinerea României ca aliat al Germaniei, la acea vreme când, cum aţi spus singur, le era clar tuturor că războiul este pierdut ?

- D.p.d.v. militar aceste acţiuni ale mele le consider o aventură. Dar, considerând că nu eram doar un general simplu, ci un general-politician, adept credincios al naţional-socialismului, atunci devine limpede că altfel nici nu puteam face, pentru că eu am luptat pentru triumful ideilor naţionaliste. Cu atât mai mult că pentru îndeplinirea cu succes a misiunii lui Hitler, mi se promisese o înaltă distincţie.

17 august 1945, Moscow

( ... )

- Ce s-a făcut practic cu scopul de a forma un nou guvern român ?

- Ambasadorul german von Killinger s-a sfătuit cu mine în această problemă la finele 1943 — începutul 1944. În principal s-a discutat candidatura generalilor Dragalina şi Korne ca posibili membri ai guvernului. I-am răspuns atunci lui Killinger că gen. Dragalina nu are un caracter puternic, iar Korne nu este « legionar », ci mason.
Practic în problema formării unui nou guvern nu s-a făcut nimic.

This post has been edited by Petre on January 27, 2017 06:47 am
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Posted: January 05, 2018 12:49 pm
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A romanian officer that participated in 23 august operation.
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