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> private collection of some rare romanian militaria
Posted: January 19, 2010 07:49 pm
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Hello over there, i´ve just registered here - congratulations to this forum, this is a great board for people interested in romanian military history.

I have the chance to buy a nice collection of predominantly romanian uniforms and awards.

It would be nice to have some discussion about it here.

First and foremost I collect German militaria, but I think this is a nice opportunity to broaden my horizon.

Greets from Bavaria

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This post has been edited by Hotzenplotz on January 19, 2010 07:49 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 19, 2010 08:33 pm
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Hello and welcome to the forum.

WOW a very nice colection, a splendid one may I say. Can you put more pictures with the orders and medals, closer pictures also with the ribbon bars. Is the seller from Germany or he is here in Romania?.

This post has been edited by Claudiu1988 on January 19, 2010 08:33 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 19, 2010 09:16 pm
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laugh.gif When I read "rare Romanian militaria" I instantly started thinking about soldiers uniforms from II and I WW, but the pictures totally disappointed me. Officer uniforms don't register as rare to me.

On topic now, for more details you need some close up photos, I’m sure that’s not a cheap collection so a very good examination is mandatory. Also the pictures are confusing as the mannequins are dressed differently from a picture to the other.
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Posted: January 19, 2010 09:54 pm
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Plutonier adjutant

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Great collection!
Could you please post some pictures of the flag?
And of course of the other stuff.

This post has been edited by boonicootza on January 19, 2010 09:55 pm

PMEmail PosterYahoo
Posted: January 19, 2010 10:55 pm
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Unfortunately I just have the few picutes you see above for the moment.
Tomorrow afternoon I will visit the collector (it´s over here in Germany), and maybe we will manage to come to an agreement. Of course then you´ll get better pictures.

At a first sight the pieces look origin i think and the seller seems to be reliable.

The problem is that I can exactly identifiy only one uniform, the one on the far left (the non-romanian one: k.u.k. austro-hungarian Artillery-Officer). I already looked for professional literature about Romanian military pre 1939 but it is not that easy to find in Germany wink.gif

Best regards and sorry for my bad English,

This post has been edited by Hotzenplotz on January 19, 2010 10:56 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 20, 2010 02:34 pm
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The flag is not genuine, but a reproduction. In fact, I don't know if "1872 model" flags (fabricated until 1897) ever had the monogram of Ferdinand Ist in the corners, which would make it an erroneous flag.
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 21, 2010 06:00 pm
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Good evening everybody,

I promised you pictures, so here they are.

First of all I bought a nice lot of an officer served in the k.u.k army and afterwards in the romanian armed forces.

Especially the identification tag makes the lot to something "particular" and personal, i think. I bought it yesterday.

So here we go:

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This post has been edited by Hotzenplotz on January 21, 2010 06:20 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 21, 2010 06:11 pm
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PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 21, 2010 06:13 pm
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PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 21, 2010 06:19 pm
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and finally..

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21 inf
Posted: January 22, 2010 05:50 am
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Nice pics!

This oficer fellow is from Brad, Hunedoara county, a small town very close to the area were I spent my childhood. smile.gif

As he was in AH army and I see that he fought in Dobrogea and Bucuresti, he left AH army and joined romanian army before Romania entered ww1, most probably.

Can anybody to tell me what decorations he has?

This post has been edited by 21 inf on January 22, 2010 05:55 am
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Posted: January 22, 2010 02:33 pm
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Here are some facts of the officer above, Sabin Banciu.

I got it only in romanian, maybe somebody could translate?

La 8 noiembrie 1918 a fost ales, la Brad, Sabin Banciu, şef al Gărzii Naţionale. El a însărcinat pe vicepreşedintele dr. Radu, să pretindă înlăturarea steagului maghiar de pe instituţiile oraşului, iar în locul lui să se arboreze Steagul naţional român.

BANCIU SABIN, maior, n. 1881 în Brad, jud. Hunedoara (tatal: Avisalon Banciu; mama: Ana Almasan); acum general în pensie, controlor regal, Bucuresti, casatorit cu Maria Bulza are copii: Sabin si Passia.

Evenimentele de la 1919 si 1944- personalitati si eroi din zona Bradului

"Soarta romanilor transilvaneni nu a fost nicicand usoara pe parcursul istoriei si cu atat mai mult in perioada dinainte de 1918 cand pamantul si bogatiile Transilvaniei deveneau proprietatea statului maghiar. Apareau legi tot mai dure impotriva romanilor, statul maghiar fiind direct preocupat de distrugerea unitatii demografice a romanilor ardeleni, incercandu-se in permanenta maghiarizarea stalpilor de sustinere a romanismului: scoala, Biserica, presa, interzicandu-se cultura romaneasca. In acest context s-a desfasurat lupta pentru identitate si unitate a romanilor si in zona Zarandului care nu a fost nici el ferit de convulsii puternice marcate cu jertfe omenesti.
Dupa Marea Unire de la 1918 si in spiritul prevederilor sistemului de la Versailles in Ardeal ar fi trebuit sa fie liniste. Nu a fost insa sa fie asa, deoarece Ungaria nu dorea sa recunoasca Marea Unire si granitele stabilite prin Tratatul de la Trianon din 1920, si doar in urma urma interventiei armatei romane Ungaria a recunoscut in cele din urma Unirea.Regimul hortist din Ungaria,cu sprijinul ulterior al Italiei fasciste si a Germaniei hitleriste si-a propus insa in permanenta modificarea sau anularea Tratatului, folosindu-se de intregul arsenal inclusiv militar.
In fata iminentei invazii a Muntilor Apuseni din partea armatei maghiare s-au creat adevarate centre de rezistenta in puncte strategice. In zona Bradului un rol important l-a avut Garda Nationala sub comanda cap. Sabin Banciu si a locot. Vasilie Boneu; in contextul evenimentelor din preajma Marei Uniri, Doctorul Ioan Radu indemna la 8 noiembrie 1918 ca ,,cetatenii orasului si garda sa se retina de la orice manifestari ostile, sa fie la inaltimea vremurilor si a situatiei demne ce se pregatea natiunii romane”. In ciuda acestui indemn s-au dus lupte serioase intre Garda Nationala Romana din Brad si cea maghiara deoarece maghiarii voiau sa fuga cu tot armamentul la resedinta din Deva. O grupa de gardisti, din proprie initiativa urmareste trupele maghiare si dupa o lupta crancena desfasurata la Valisoara soldata cu numerosi raniti printre care curajosul capitan Hanes,care era bradean, le captureaza pe acestea impreuna cu intregul armament..... "

(material prezentat in cadrul Festivalului cultural-patriotic ”Tara Craisorului” Editia a -2 a 2009 de catre Profesor IRINA LETEA, responsabil coordonator de proiect, de la Scoala Generala clasele I-VIII ,,Mircea Santimbreanu”, din municipiul Brad , jud. Hunedoara )
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 22, 2010 03:45 pm
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The medals are numered in the photo above.

1. Crown of Romania model 1881 Commander
2. Crown of Romania model 1916 Officer
3. Star of Romania model 1916 Officer
4. Crown of Romania model 1916 Knight (the ribbon must be with out a rozet)
5. WW1 Comemorative medal with 3 claps
6. WW1 Belgium Victory medal

This post has been edited by Claudiu1988 on January 22, 2010 03:45 pm
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 22, 2010 03:46 pm
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What was the price for the entire lot??
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 22, 2010 04:49 pm
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QUOTE (Hotzenplotz @ January 22, 2010 02:33 pm)
Here are some facts of the officer above, Sabin Banciu.

I got it only in romanian, maybe somebody could translate?

La 8 noiembrie 1918 a fost ales, la Brad, Sabin Banciu, şef al Gărzii Naţionale. El a însărcinat pe vicepreşedintele dr. Radu, să pretindă înlăturarea steagului maghiar de pe instituţiile oraşului, iar în locul lui să se arboreze Steagul naţional român.

On November 8, 1918 he was elected, Brad, Banciu Sabin, chief of the National Guard. He instructed the Vice-President Dr. Radu, to demand the removal of the Hungarian flag on City institutions and to replace the Romanian national flag to fly.
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