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> Sequence of events, 26-28 June 1940#?
sid guttridge
Posted: September 13, 2005 12:02 pm
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I am having problems untangling the sequence of events from the moment Molotov's 24 (?) hour ultimatum was delivered to the Romanian Ambassador in Moscow at 2200 on 26 June 1940.

I have read that Molotov later gave a twelve-hour extension to his ultimatum and that there were two Crown Council meetings, the first of which voted for mobilisarion and the second of which conceded to Molotov's demands.

Can anyone explain when these three events occurred, how the voting went in the Crown councils and why Molotov gave a 12-hour extension?

I have also seen different times given for when the Romanian Army first began to issue orders for withdrawal on 28 June. Some say about 0600. Others say after 1130. Which is true?

Many thanks,

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Posted: September 13, 2005 08:21 pm
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On 26 June 1940, 2200 hours, Molotov summoned Gheorghe Davidescu and handed him an ultimative note asking for the surrender of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, the answer of Romanian government being expected on the day of 27 June.

On 27 June, the Crown Council was summoned twice, first at 1230 hours, then at 2100 hours.

According to the following article

during the first Crown Council, King Carol II initiated the voting. Of the 26 voters, 11 voted for rejecting, 10 for submitting, 4 for negociations and 1 abstained.

In the second Crown Council took part 28 ministers and royal councelors, of which 6 declared for armed resistance.

Romanian goverment tried to tergiversate, proposing negociations with Moscow at a place and date indicated by the Soviet side.

The Soviet Government transmitted in the night of 27/28 June a new ultimative note asking for the evacuation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina in four days, starting with 28 June, 1200 hours. The answer was expected by 28 June, 1200 hours - Moscow time.

Romanian answer of submission came on 28 June, 1100 hours.

On 28 June, 0430 hours, the 4th Army Headquarters ordered preparations for retreat. At 0700 hours the General Headquarters issued the order 6006, by which the Romanian Army had to retreat west of the Prut River.

This post has been edited by dragos on September 13, 2005 08:56 pm
PMUsers WebsiteYahoo
Posted: September 14, 2005 12:08 am
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QUOTE (dragos @ Sep 14 2005, 02:21 AM)
On 26 June 1940, 2200 hours, Molotov summoned Gheorghe Davidescu and handed him an ultimative note asking for the surrender of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, the answer of Romanian government being expected on the day of 27 June.

That is correct:

MOSCOW, June 27, 1940-1:10 a. m.
Received June 27, 1940-6:30 a. m.

No. 1241 of June 26

Reference my telegram No. 1236 of June 26.

Molotov just informed me by telephone that he had summoned the Rumanian Minister at 10 o'clock this evening, had informed him of the Soviet Government's demand regarding the cession of Bessarabia and the northern part of Bukovina, and had demanded a reply from the Rumanian Government not later than tomorrow, i. e., on July [June] 27.


Gen. Dénes
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sid guttridge
Posted: September 14, 2005 09:59 am
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Hi dragos and Denes,

Many thanks. These sort of informed, factual answers remind me of why I joined this forum in the first place.


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Carol I
Posted: September 14, 2005 06:41 pm
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QUOTE (sid guttridge @ Sep 13 2005, 01:02 PM)
I am having problems untangling the sequence of events from the moment Molotov's 24 (?) hour ultimatum was delivered to the Romanian Ambassador in Moscow at 2200 on 26 June 1940.

The telegram no. 999 of the German Minister in Romania to the German Foreign Ministry (dispatched on 27 June at 11 a.m.) speaks clearly of the 24-hour time limit of the ultimatum, mentioned in a discussion with the Romanian Foreign Minister Gigurtu taking place earlier that day (8:30 a.m.).

Later that day, Molotov stated that "the Soviet Government expected a favourable reply in the course of June 28" (according to telegram no. 1242 of the German Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the German Foreign Ministry - dispatched on 27 June at 3:07 p.m.).

It appears that the extension of the time limit was issued in the course of 27 June 1940, before the deadline of the original Soviet ultimatum.
Carol I
Posted: September 14, 2005 08:11 pm
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I have just realised that later during 27 June, Molotov had informed the German Ambassador that Soviet troops would cross the Romanian border early on the morning of 28 June, if the Romanian Government did not give a favourable reply to the Soviet demands on 27 June (according to telegram No. 1244 dispatched on 27 June at 4:40 p.m.).

It thus appears that in less than two hours was reported that Molotov has first mentioned an extended deadline and then a shorter one. Could it be that through the second statement he was attempting to pass an intimidation message to the Romanians?
Posted: June 30, 2014 03:29 pm
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Archive Aleksandr N. Iakovlev
Reports of the 5th Direction of Red Army (Mil inteligence) – the events in the West
Cap 4. Nazi German offensive in the West (mart - june 1940)
Document №4.46 (since 26 iunie 1940)
Despre poziţiile Germaniei şi Italiei faţă de revenirea Bassarabiei la Uniunea Sovietică
Din datele rezidentului nostru în România, regele român a acceptat ultimatumul Uniunii Sovietice, se pare numai după ce a primit confirmări de la ambasadorii german şi italian că revenirea Basarabiei şi părţii de nord a Bucovinei la Uniunea Sovietică constituie o rezolvare temporară, deoarece Germania şi Italia, ocupate în acest moment cu ducerea acţiunilor de luptă în Apus, nu pot acorda ajutor militar României. Drept compensaţii pentru înţelegerea corectă a momentului, România poate primi mai târziu nu numai Basarabia, dar şi Republica Moldova.
Din aceleaşi informaţii, pentru clarificarea acestor probleme, ambasadorul german se pare s-a dus la Berlin.

Poziţiile unor grupuri faţă de rezolvarea paşnică a problemei Bassarabiei

Din informaţii de la sursele noastre, în rândul populaţiei româneşti, poziţiile faţă de rezolvarea problemei Bassarabiei sunt diferite.
Militarii de rând şi ofiţerii cu grade mici sunt fericiţi de rezolvarea paşnică a conflictului, generalii nu sunt mulţumiţi şi consideră că guvernarea a admis în acest caz o eroare grosolană.

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Gen. locotenent de aviaţie I.Proskurov
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