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> Ioan Halga de Halmagiu, nobility diploma and coat of arms
21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 03:30 pm
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Ioan Halga of Halmagiu

Here is his story.

This post has been edited by 21 inf on February 02, 2008 01:54 pm
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 03:40 pm
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Mihai Apafi (Mihaly Apafi - in hungarian, Michael Apafi - in latin) was ruler of Transylvania since 1661, with the help of the turks.
He was born at 3rd of November 1632, died in 15th of April 1690 at Fagaras.
In 1650 he married Anna Bornemissza.
He was followed at throne by his son, Mihai Apafi II.

This is the coat of arms of Apafi family.

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source: wikipedia
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 03:57 pm
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The date when Ioan Halga, was born, is unknown for me, at least at this time.

Ioan Halga was serf on the Halmagiu village, on the land of Christina Veer, wife of Sigismund Banffi de Losoncz.
At 18th of september 1680, in a day of Wednesday, he was freed from the status of serf, nobilitated based on his military merits by Mihai Apafi at his castle of Iernut.
The nobilitation diploma is here:
user posted image
The diploma is nowadays at Arhivele Statului filiala Cluj-Napoca.

It is written on pergament, with the sigilium of Mihai Apafi still hanging on diploma. Both the diploma and the princiar sigilium is in very good condition after more than 320 years.
The sigilium of Mihai Apafi, hanged on my ancestor's diploma:
user posted image
The name and titles of Mihai Apafi and the name of my ancestor, Ioan Halga, are written with golden ink, wich is still visible today, even if better in reality than in photo (unfortunatelly in photo is no so visible).

The same sigilium of Mihai Apafi as in photo is still visible on the frontispice of Iernut castle.

This post has been edited by 21 inf on February 02, 2008 01:55 pm
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 04:16 pm
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Ioan Halga, even if from serf condition, must have been an inteligent man, as it is been written on his diploma:
"pe chibzuitul Ioan Halga originar de pe moşia ei [Christinei Veer - author's note], Hălmagiul Mare, pentru slujbele credincioase" (translation from latin in original).
He served Christina Veer as soldier, giving the coat of arms that he received (shield and helmet), and wich is presented on the following picture (lithography):
user posted image
Source: Ziridava, Muzeul de Istorie Arad.

The central figure on the shield is a "cocor" (unfortunatelly I dont know the translation in english), which in heraldics represent vigilance.
The position, type and orientation of the helmet indicates that the possesor (Ioan Halga), was nobilitated based on military merits (the diploma was not buyed by the owner from the landlord).
The colour of the shield is entirely light blue, which is the colour of Transylvania.
The crown from above the helmet has the colour of gold, which indicates that the nobilitation was made by the royalty, not by the landlord (in wich case the colour of the crown would be silver).

This post has been edited by 21 inf on August 14, 2007 02:39 am
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 06:21 pm
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The noble rank of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu was primipilus armalis, a lower rank noble.

His new noble rank made him from serf a free citizen, who doesnt have to pay taxes, but in exchange his duty was to report to the army with his own equipment and suplies at any time and everywhere the king needed him.

After receiving the diploma, Ioan Halga de Halmagiu went to Alba Iulia Diet, Friday, 29 November 1680, to be confirmed as noble of Transylvania.
The confirmation of his noble status was written down on the same diploma given by Mihai Apafi (on the lower right corner of the pergament), as one can see in the picture posted below:
user posted image
It is written (translation in romanian from latin in original):
"Anul 1680, ziua 29 a lunii Noiembrie, in adunarea generala a domnilor locuitori ai celor trei natiunisi comitilor acestui regat al Transilvaniei si ai partilor Ungariei anexate aceluiasi, din decretul inaltimii sale princiare, pe ziua de 12 a aceleiasi noiembrie, intrunita si tinuta in orasul Alba Iulia, a fost infatisata, citita, publicata si aratata scrisoarea armala de fata fara sa se ridice vreo impotrivire."
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 06:28 pm
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Two years after that, Ioan Halga de Halmagiu present himself again in the front of Diet, this time at Aiud, on 15th of January 1682, to reconfirm again his noble status and his privileges as noble man.
The reconfirmation of his rights it is written on the same diploma, on the lower left corner, as it can be seen in the picture below:
user posted image
Translation in romanian from latin in original:
'In adunarea generala a domnilor magnati si nobili ai comitatului Alba Transilvaniei in ziua de 15 a lunii ianuarie anul 1682, tinuta in targul Aiud, scrisoarea armala de fata a fost infatisata, prezentata si publicatain numele si in persoana celui pomenit inauntru, fara sa se ridice vreo impotrivire.
[signed by - author's note] Gaspar Szathmary, judele notarilor comitatului Alba Transilvaniei."

This post has been edited by 21 inf on June 17, 2007 06:29 pm
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 06:36 pm
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Mihai Apafi's signature on the nobilitation diploma of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu:
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The signature of Mihai Apafi's secretary, Francisc Bugar, on the same nobilitations diploma of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu:
user posted image

The original sigilium of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu it is on a private collection in Romania, I managed to trace it and to contact the owner.

The negatives of the sigilium are in the custody of Muzeul de Istorie Arad, I managed to obtain photos with them.

I dont know when my ancestor, Ioan Halga de Halmagiu, died and how, and I dont know yet where he is burried.
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 06:40 pm
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Here is the translation of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu's nobilitation diploma, in romanian from latin in original.
Unfortunately, I cant translate it into english, because of the specific terms and language, wich is far away from my spoken english.

Din mila lui Dumnezeu principe al Transilvaniei şi al părţilor Ungariei domn şi comite al secuilor
facem cunoscut prin cuprinsul celor de faţă tuturor celor cărora se cuvine, că noi pentru mijlocierea personală a unora dintre credincioşii noştri domni consilieri pe de o parte, iar pe de alta pentru rugăciunea preasmerită a plăcutei doamne Christina Veer, soţia cinstitului şi plăcutului Sigismund Banffi de Losoncz consilierul nostru cel mai apropiat, comite al comitatului Albei al Transilvaniei sus-zise, prin care ne-a făcut cunoscut că l-ar fi eliberat şi slobozit cu drept veşnic pe chibzuitul Ioan Halga originar de pe moşia ei, Hălmagiul Mare, pentru slujbele credincioase de sub jugul iobăgesc, cu dreaptă cinste. Aşadar, din mila noastră deosebită şi prin deplinătatea puterii noastre priciare scoţându-l cu îndurare pe acelaşi Ioan Halga din starea şi condiţia iobăgească în care s-a născut şi a trăit până acum, am hotărât să-l adăugăm, să-l asociem, să-l alegem şi să-l înscriem în ceata şi numărul adevăraţilor, fiilor, neîndoielnicilor şi deosebiţilor nobili ai acestui regat al Transilvaniei şi părţilor Ungariei anexate aceluiaşi, după cum l-am eliberat, adăugat, asociat, ales şi înscris prin tăria [scrisorilor] celor de faţă, hotărând în chip lămurit ca începând de acum pentru totdeauna, acelaş Ioan Halga şi moştenitorii şi urmaşii lui de ambele sexe să fie ţinuţi şi socotiţi drept adevăraţi, fii, neîndoielnici, şi deosebiţi nobili. Ca semn al acestei adevărate şi desăvârşite nobilităţi [le acordăm] aceste arme sau insemne ale nobilităţii: Scut militar de culoare albastră, în câmpul căruia se vede un cocor care veghează reprezentat în culoarea sa naturală, şezând pe piciorul stâng, iar cu dreptul cuprinzând o piatră preţioasă de culoarea zambilei, deasupra scutului este aşezat un coif militar cu viziera închisă, acoperită de o diademă regală, împodobită în chip cuvenit cu perle şi pietre scumpe, din conul coifului curg benzi sau panglici de culori diferite spre ambele marginile sau extremităţi ale coifului înconjurându-l şi împodobindu-l în chipul cel mai frumos, după cum toate acestea se văd clar înfăţişate şi zugrăvite cu mână iscusită şi arta picturii la capătul sau începutul scrisorilor noastre de faţă. Cu chibzuinţă şi după bună ştiinţă, din generozitatea noastră princiară, amintitului Ioan Halga, şi tuturor moştenitorilor şi urmaşilor săi de ambele sexe cu milostivire încuviinţând şi hărăzind le-am dat, dăruit şi conferit, ca ei înşişi, suszisele arme sau insemne ale nobilităţii, după obiceiul celorlalţi adevăraţi, fii, neîndoielnici, şi deosebiţi nobili care se folosesc de blazoane, oriunde, în bătălii, întreceri militare, turniruri, dueluri, întreceri individuale, şi în alte exerciţii militare şi nobiliare de orice fel, pe sigilii, steaguri, vase, veştminte, covoare, arme, medalioane, corturi, case, morminte şi în general pe orice fel de lucruri şi feluri de foloase, sub titlul întregii şi desăvârşitei nobilităţi, prin care dorim ca ei să fie zişi deosebiţi, să fie ţinuţi, numiţi şi socotiţi de către toţi oamenii şi de fiecare în parte, de orice stare, condiţie, treaptă, cinste, ordin, demnitate şi preeminenţă, şi să primească şi să poarte toate şi fiecare din acele slujbe, milostiviri, privilegii, scutiri, libertăţi, imunităţi şi prerogative pe care ceilalţi adevăraţi, născuţi, neîndoielnici, şi deosebiţi oameni nobili şi ostaşi ai amintitului regatului noastru al Transilvaniei şi ai părţilor Ungariei anexate aceluiaşi, le folosesc, se bucură după obicei, în orice mod, din vechime şi de drept, şi pe care să fie veşnic volnici şi în stare să le folosească, să se bucure. Spre pomenirea şi veşnica trăinicie a acestui lucru am dat scrisoarea noastră de faţă întărită cu puterea sigiliului nostru atârnat pomenitului Ioan Halga, tuturor moştenitorilor şi urmaşilor săi de ambe sexe am hotărât să le dăm cu milostivire şi să le hărăzim. Dată în cetatea noastră Iernut la 18 Septembrie 1680.

On the left lower corner:

In adunarea generala a domnilor magnati si nobili ai comitatului Alba Transilvaniei in ziua de 15 a lunii ianuarie anul 1682, tinuta in targul Aiud, scrisoarea armala de fata a fost infatisata, prezentata si publicatain numele si in persoana celui pomenit inauntru, fara sa se ridice vreo impotrivire.
Gaspar Szathmary, judele notarilor comitatului Alba Transilvaniei

On the right lower corner:

Anul 1680, ziua 29 a lunii Noiembrie, in adunarea generala a domnilor locuitori ai celor trei natiunisi comitilor acestui regat al Transilvaniei si ai partilor Ungariei anexate aceluiasi, din decretul inaltimii sale princiare, pe ziua de 12 a aceleiasi noiembrie, intrunita si tinuta in orasul Alba Iulia, a fost infatisata, citita, publicata si aratata scrisoarea armala de fata fara sa se ridice vreo impotrivire
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Posted: June 17, 2007 08:53 pm
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Very interesting story.
Bogdan, are you a direct descendant of Ioan Halga de Halmagiu?

Gen. Dénes
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21 inf
Posted: June 17, 2007 09:04 pm
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Yes, Denes, I am!

My grand-grand-mother was still a Halga.

In the last two generations, being born only girls, the family name changed twice.

I am the first generation who is not born at Halmagiu.
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21 inf
Posted: August 13, 2007 08:35 pm
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The coat of arms of family Halga de Halmagiu

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Posted: August 13, 2007 09:01 pm
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Impressive. How did you manage to trace your ancestry so far back, did you base it solely on similarity of names or was that just the starting point of your investigations?


This post has been edited by Imperialist on August 13, 2007 09:02 pm

21 inf
Posted: August 14, 2007 02:36 am
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The trace was done by documents, some in the possesion of my family, some being in archives or in private collections.

The search was eased by the fact that the familly name is unique in the area, on a 120 km radius this is the only familly with this name.

In the area is very common that peasants knows their ancestors at least 5 or 6 generations back.
This similarity I found it on my grandfathers familly, which is from Vidra de Sus (today Avram Iancu de Alba).

In the same manner, in Halmagiu exists another 9 noble famillies, which are nowadays common peasants. With one of this familly we are related (by marriage), and this is familly Motica de Lestioara, nobilitated by emperor Carol VI in Wien in 1720.
Other noble familly names from the area are :
Sida de Halmagiu - nobilitated by emperor Leopold in Wien in 1701.
Darau de Tisa - nobilitated by emperor Leopold in Wien in 1701.
Balint de Ciuci - nobilitated by the same Michael Apafi (wich nobilitated my ancestor) in June 1682.
Iuga de Magulicea - nobilitated by emperor Carol VI in Wien in 1720.
Luciu de Leasa - nobilitated by emperor Carol VI in Wien in 1720.
Pag de Cristesti - nobilitated by Michael Apafi in 1664.
Sirca de Talagi.
Slav de Buceava - nobilitated by emperor Carol VI in 1720.

The research in the area is also eased that it is an isolated area, with a relativelly "closed" population, usually the people lived in the same villages for generations and foreign individuals came very rare on the mountains.

You're wellcome smile.gif
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Posted: December 09, 2007 08:17 pm
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Amazing achievement ! Congratulations !
I wonder if some of the documents mention how old was your ancestor when being awarded this diploma. I suppose you already traced the genealogical tree with an impressive number of lines (generations).

This post has been edited by mateias on December 09, 2007 08:18 pm
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21 inf
Posted: June 28, 2009 06:17 pm
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I just found today that my ancestor was still alive in 1715, courtesy to hungarian archives, online variant smile.gif

Below is the document, at "possesio Tzermure" the second position, Halga Iuon, is the same person as in the diploma presented in previous posts smile.gif.

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