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> Gun Cameras and 'Syncronized guns'
Der Maresal
Posted: September 24, 2003 04:50 pm
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1 - I'm interested how a Gun Camera works, and weather Romanian planes were equipped (if any) with such device.

I believe the Me109 had a gun camera, but the IAR 80 and 81 i'm not sure. How does it function, and how does the pilot trigger this device?
Were soviet planes equipped with Gun Cameras? Which ones?

2- Firing through the propeller was always a fascinating thing for me, how do they do it... the blades rotating at 30 000 (thirty tousand) revolutions per minute and the bullets are still able to pass clean through without hitting it.. :shock: incredible.
How does this device work, - and if you show a diagram please put one of a World War 2 fighter, - not a Fokker Dreidecker...
Posted: September 24, 2003 06:44 pm
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The IAR 80/81 did not have a gun-camera and neither did the Romanian Bf-109s.

Btw, did you know that a Romanian, Gogu Georgescu, discovered the system to coordinate the propeller blades with the MG fire?
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Posted: September 24, 2003 10:06 pm
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Gheorghe "Gogu" Constantinescu (1881-1965).

The synchronization between machinegun rate of fire and propeller's spin is an application of his theory - sonicitatea - dealing with mechanical energy transfer through elastic oscillations in fluids, like acoustic oscillations transfer acoustic energy.

The application was however developed in England where he settled in 1910.
Posted: September 24, 2003 10:33 pm
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The Me-109 and many other aircraf of WW2 used a device called 'interruptor', invented supposedly by Fokker. I couldn't tell you exactly how it was designed, but it would not allow the MGs to fire when they could have possibly hit the propeller. That is why most weapons firing through propeller had a significantly smaller rate of fire than their wing-mounted counterparts.
Der Maresal
Posted: September 24, 2003 11:14 pm
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The IAR 80/81 did not have a gun-camera and neither did the Romanian Bf-109s

Really,... not even the 109G-6 later versions? So there is no gun camera footage from Romanian planes during world war II ? Germans used gun cameras at least as early as 1940..maybe earlier. Why not Romanians..?
user posted image
:arrow: no gun camera on this one? :shock:

Btw, did you know that a Romanian, Gogu Georgescu, discovered the system to coordinate the propeller blades with the MG fire?

No! I tought it was Anthony Fokker who discovered this system, at least that's what we learn from books and television. They said that he invented it and installed it on the Fokker Eindecker (the world's first monoplane fighter).

*Didn't a Romanian discover the Jet engine too? Henry Coanda... while working in England? .. The official word is it was some other man.."Frank Whittle."" :shock: :shock: :?
Posted: September 24, 2003 11:46 pm
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*Didn't a Romanian discover the Jet engine too? Henry Coanda... while working in England? .. The official word is it was some other man..\"Frank Whittle.\"\"  :shock:  :shock:   :?

That's one of the things that bugs me to the point of getting angry... when I was at the Duxford RAF Museum, they had a commemorative plaque dedicated to Frank Whittle "the inventor of the jet engine".... Let me just tell you, I could've smashed it to pieces, that's how it got on my nerves...

The only explanation for this would be... Frank Whittle WAS the man who obtained a patent for it... even though it was Coanda's work that was all behind it... I dunno... maybe it's just another case of "the victors write the history"...
Posted: September 25, 2003 12:14 am
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A quote :

"Prima aplicatie s-a realizat prin "mitraliera sonica", a carei cadenta de tragere era sincronizata cu rotatia elicei, construita in seria la uzinele "BRISTOL-COANDA", si montata pe avioanele de lupta cu aceeasi marca. Datorita succesului din primul razboi mondial al acestei mitraliere Gheorghe Constantinescu obtine fonduri importante pentru continuarea cercetarilor. "

"First application was the "sonic machinegun", whose fire rate was sinchronized with the propeller's rotation, mass produced at the "BRISTOL-COANDA" factory and fitted on the fighters with the same name. Due to the WW1 success of this type of machinegun, G. Constantinescu receives important funding to continue his research."

Henri Coanda (1886-1972) invented the jet plane (in 1910) and built one :
Posted: September 25, 2003 12:32 am
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That's one of the things that bugs me to the point of getting angry...

The link I posted before :

comes from a site who states on the introductory page : "Please let me remind all of you--this material is copyrighted. Though partially funded by NASA, it is still a private site. Therefore, before downloading any materials for use, you need to ask permission." I hope they won't find the next short quote as a violation of their property rights.

"Henri Coanda's Coanda-1910 was a revolutionary aircraft in many ways. First and foremost, it is now being recognized as the first air-reactive engine (jet) aircraft, making its first and only flight October, 1910. Henri's aircraft was the first to have no propeller. This was 30 years prior to Heinkle, Campini, and Whittle who have been considered the 'fathers' of jet flight."
Posted: September 25, 2003 07:41 am
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QUOTE (\"inahurry)
\"Henri Coanda's Coanda-1910 was a revolutionary aircraft in many ways.   First and foremost, it is now being recognized as the first air-reactive engine (jet) aircraft, making its first and only flight October, 1910. Henri's aircraft was the first to have no propeller. This was 30 years prior to Heinkle, Campini, and Whittle who have been considered the 'fathers' of jet flight.\"

And your point is? I've only seen this statement made only a few times in the western world. The general public consensus around here is that Mr. Whittle is the father of jet flight :evil:
Posted: September 25, 2003 07:47 am
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In the 1886 another Romanian, Ciurcu, run some tests with the Frenchman Just Buisson on a rocket engine, IIRC. They tested it on a boat on the Seine river.
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Posted: September 25, 2003 12:50 pm
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My point is the matter was settled. There is no doubt, if anyone wants to check, and the information is available, about who invented the jet. Unlike other priorities or historical issues where, even if the information to prove a certain point/truth exists, the case may require indepth knowledge of history, circumstances, or needs a solid scientific background etc. in this case one needs only to look around a little. Who needs to "win" the hearts of people who aren't interested or don't care a bit anyway? Luckily, science is not a matter of public vote. Yet :twisted:

I think Paulescu's story is more sad by comparison.

Regarding Coanda, a what-if type question could ask : if he wouldn't have left Romania and become a well known scientist in a powerful country would his discoveries ahve been known at all?
Bernard Miclescu
Posted: September 25, 2003 04:52 pm
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In France I found some books about the beggining of the aviation. Only T Vuia is mentionned. H Coanda? Still his plane was shawen at Paris in 1910, but none of the books that i saw wrotes about it. Inahurry is right, who knows if Coanda wasn't famous in Great Britain or France?

Posted: September 25, 2003 07:53 pm
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About the gun camera,I saw many years ago, a photo album belonging to a vet.There were a few photos of 109(too small to tell if it was a Rom or a Germ) in a sort of colimator.Iwas 12 then and I'm not sure the answer that I got was real one..
I was told that the gun camera was used in dog fight training!
Is it true?
And about dif. inventions made by Romanians,you won't belive how many are realy are!
The insulin for example was invented by a Rom doctor.
And not many years ago an Italian recived Nobel prize for Medicine for something a dicovered 2 years early!
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Defender of Aiur
Posted: September 25, 2003 10:34 pm
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The insulin for example was invented by a Rom doctor.

Yep, he was the one who managed to isolate insulin, but instead of giving the Nobel Prize to Nicolae Paulescu, it was given to some Canadian arse even though Paulescu found a way to isolate insulin 2 years before !
Defender of Aiur
Posted: September 25, 2003 10:45 pm
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On August 27, 2003, at the Hôtel-Dieu State Hospital of Paris, the inauguration of the buste of professor Paulescu was canceled after the protest of several jewish protection associations:  

\"If the Nobel Committee in 1923 judged the entire persona of its laureate, then Hôtel Dieu in 2003 must do no less and conclude that Paulescu's brutal inhumanity nullifies any scientific merit.\"

^from Wikipedia


"C'est très mal d'être antisémite, même quand on a sauvé des millions d'êtres humains." Memorable quote laugh.gif (

"It's very bad to be anti-semite, even when one saved millions of human lives."

I can't believe millions of Jews are now profiting from the work of someone they spit on !

there, now it's better written... excuse my English laugh.gif
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