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> Pilot shot down, 30 August 1941, Odessa
Posted: April 11, 2012 09:30 pm
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Hello everyone,

Can you please tell me what kind of romanian planes were in the battle of Odessa? My grandmother's only brother was shot down on 30 August 1944 and I was curious if I could find more about him. He was young and his name was Constantin Manaila.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 11, 2012 09:35 pm
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Hmm, or maybe it was 1941, don't remember well...
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 13, 2012 06:55 am
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Din Jurnalul de Operatii al Esc.14 Obs.
30 august 1941
Esc.14 Observatie la data a executat - 5 misiuni de recunoastere foto si 1 misiune de bombardament, in patrula de 3 avioane.
La intoarcere, echipajul avionului IAR-38 Nr.54 format din: Slt.Av. Manaila C-tin, Lt. Obs. Popian Dan, mitr. Cap. Belcineanu Aurel, facand un picaj pronuntat deasupa terenului Tighina pentru bombardament au intrat in pamant, avionul distrus - membri echipajului morti. Se presupune ca pilotul a fost impuscat de la sol.

Asta a fost.

Macar asa sa ne aducem aminte de jertfele din randul personalului navigant, Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca in pace pe acei tineri ce si-au dat viata pentru tara lor.

From the Operations Diary of the 14th Observation Squadron.
30 August 1941
The 14th observation Squadron flew that day 5 photo reconnaissance missions and one bombing mission with a formation of 3 aircraft.
On the way back, the IAR-38 No. 54, engaged in a steep dive above the airfield of Tighina (Bender) and hit the ground. The entire crew: slt. av. Constantin Manaila (pilot), lt. Dan Popian (observer), cap. Aurel Belcineanu (machine-gunner) was killed. It was presumed that the pilot was shot from the ground.

This is how it was.

At least this way we can remember the sacrifices made by the airmen. May God rest in peace those young men that died for their country.
[edited by admin]

This post has been edited by Victor on April 13, 2012 07:40 am
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 13, 2012 07:48 pm
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Multumesc mult! Am incurcat rau de tot datele, am incercat sa imi amintesc ce scrie pe mormantul lui... A murit la 23 de ani, nu s-a intamplat pe 23 august... Cand mergem la cimitir mereu ii aprindem o lumanare/ ii punem o floare.

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca exista ceva scris despre el... Imi pare rau ca nu mai traieste nimeni care l-a cunoscut (bunica mea, ultima in viata dintre fratii lui, a murit acum aproape 2 ani...), but he is still family. Am si fotografii cu el. Era un tanar frumos, inteligent, care stia sa 'bata step' si visa sa devina artist. Din pacate razboiul i-a spulberat visele, dar i-a placut foarte mult sa zboare...

As putea face cumva rost de documentul unde ati extras citatul? Mi-ar placea sa il am, sa ramana in arhiva familiei...
PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 13, 2012 08:59 pm
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Cum as putea sa adaug cateva fotografii cu el? Am incercat cu ImageShack si nu a mers, dadea eroare la incarcarea unei poze ca trebuie sa am un cod valid.

In alta ordine de idei, il rog pe un Admin sa schimbe titlul topicului meu (mai precis data, din 23 august 1944 in 30 august 1941), because I may look stupid... biggrin.gif
PMEmail Poster
Mihai Popteanu
Posted: April 14, 2012 06:16 am
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You can also find a mention of the incident mentioned by Antoniu in Denes book " From Barbarossa to Odessa " volume 2 at the page 144 :

" While returning from bombing Kabachenko, IAR 38 No 54 of Esc 14 Obs., already damaged in combat, was destroyed in a crash landing 3 km west of Tighina airfield. The three man crew of Slt. av. Constantin Manoila (pilot), Lt. Dan Gobian (observer) and Cap. Aurel Belcineanu (gunner) were killed. "

This post has been edited by Mihai Popteanu on April 14, 2012 06:17 am
PMEmail PosterYahooMSN
Posted: April 14, 2012 02:57 pm
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QUOTE (Arwen @ April 13, 2012 10:59 pm)
Cum as putea sa adaug cateva fotografii cu el? Am incercat cu ImageShack si nu a mers, dadea eroare la incarcarea unei poze ca trebuie sa am un cod valid.

In alta ordine de idei, il rog pe un Admin sa schimbe titlul topicului meu (mai precis data, din 23 august 1944 in 30 august 1941), because I may look stupid...  biggrin.gif

English please. Forum rules.
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PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Posted: April 14, 2012 03:29 pm
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Thanks Victor, but the following error appears in the new window:

You must provide a valid auth token or dev key. see

PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 15, 2012 10:07 am
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I see. It is indeed a problem. Hopefully it will be sorted out after Easter.
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