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> private collection of some rare romanian militaria
Posted: January 22, 2010 04:51 pm
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General de brigada

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QUOTE (Hotzenplotz @ January 22, 2010 02:33 pm)
Here are some facts of the officer above, Sabin Banciu.

I got it only in romanian, maybe somebody could translate?

BANCIU SABIN, maior, n. 1881 în Brad, jud. Hunedoara (tatal: Avisalon Banciu; mama: Ana Almasan); acum general în pensie, controlor regal, Bucuresti, casatorit cu Maria Bulza are copii: Sabin si Passia.

BANCIU SABIN, Major, b. 1881 in Brad, Hunedoara (father: Avisalon Banciu, mother: Anna Almasan) general now retired royal inspector, Bucharest, Bulz childless married Mary Sabin and passim.
Posted: January 22, 2010 04:54 pm
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General de brigada

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QUOTE (Hotzenplotz @ January 22, 2010 02:33 pm)
Here are some facts of the officer above, Sabin Banciu.

I got it only in romanian, maybe somebody could translate?

Evenimentele de la 1919 si 1944- personalitati si eroi din zona Bradului

"Soarta romanilor transilvaneni nu a fost nicicand usoara pe parcursul istoriei si cu atat mai mult in perioada dinainte de 1918 cand pamantul si bogatiile Transilvaniei deveneau proprietatea statului maghiar. Apareau legi tot mai dure impotriva romanilor, statul maghiar fiind direct preocupat de distrugerea unitatii demografice a romanilor ardeleni, incercandu-se in permanenta maghiarizarea stalpilor de sustinere a romanismului: scoala, Biserica, presa, interzicandu-se cultura romaneasca. In acest context s-a desfasurat lupta pentru identitate si unitate a romanilor si in zona Zarandului care nu a fost nici el ferit de convulsii puternice marcate cu jertfe omenesti.
Dupa Marea Unire de la 1918 si in spiritul prevederilor sistemului de la Versailles in Ardeal ar fi trebuit sa fie liniste. Nu a fost insa sa fie asa, deoarece Ungaria nu dorea sa recunoasca Marea Unire si granitele stabilite prin Tratatul de la Trianon din 1920, si doar in urma urma interventiei armatei romane Ungaria a recunoscut in cele din urma Unirea.Regimul hortist din Ungaria,cu sprijinul ulterior al Italiei fasciste si a Germaniei hitleriste si-a propus insa in permanenta modificarea sau anularea Tratatului, folosindu-se de intregul arsenal inclusiv militar.
In fata iminentei invazii a Muntilor Apuseni din partea armatei maghiare s-au creat adevarate centre de rezistenta in puncte strategice. In zona Bradului un rol important l-a avut Garda Nationala sub comanda cap. Sabin Banciu si a locot. Vasilie Boneu; in contextul evenimentelor din preajma Marei Uniri, Doctorul Ioan Radu indemna la 8 noiembrie 1918 ca ,,cetatenii orasului si garda sa se retina de la orice manifestari ostile, sa fie la inaltimea vremurilor si a situatiei demne ce se pregatea natiunii romane”. In ciuda acestui indemn s-au dus lupte serioase intre Garda Nationala Romana din Brad si cea maghiara deoarece maghiarii voiau sa fuga cu tot armamentul la resedinta din Deva. O grupa de gardisti, din proprie initiativa urmareste trupele maghiare si dupa o lupta crancena desfasurata la Valisoara soldata cu numerosi raniti printre care curajosul capitan Hanes,care era bradean, le captureaza pe acestea impreuna cu intregul armament..... "

(material prezentat in cadrul Festivalului cultural-patriotic ”Tara Craisorului” Editia a -2 a 2009 de catre Profesor IRINA LETEA, responsabil coordonator de proiect, de la Scoala Generala clasele I-VIII ,,Mircea Santimbreanu”, din municipiul Brad , jud. Hunedoara )

The events of 1919 and 1944 - personalities and heroes of the Bradului

"The fate of Romanians in Transylvania has never been easy throughout history and even more in the period before 1918 when the land became state property and riches of Transylvania the Hungarian. Appeared increasingly harsh laws against the Romans, the Hungarian state is directly concerned with the destruction of the demographic unit Romanians in Transylvania, endeavoring to permanently Magyarization poles of Romanism: school, church, media, prohibiting the Romanian culture. In this connection took place the struggle for identity and unity of the Romanians in the Zarand that he was not protected marked by strong convulsions human sacrifices.
After the Great Union of 1918 and in the spirit of the provisions of the Versailles system in Transylvania would have to be quiet. Was not to be so because Hungary did not want to recognize the Great Union and boundaries established by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, and only after following the intervention of Hungary Roman army finally admitted Unirea.Regimul hortist in Hungary, with further support of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany has proposed but permanently amend or annul the Treaty, using the entire arsenal, including the military.
In front of the impending invasion of the Apuseni Mountains in the Hungarian army were created true centers of resistance in strategic locations. Bradului area had an important role in the National Guard under the command head. Sabin Banciu and locot. Boneu Basil, in the context of events surrounding the Great Union, Dr. John Radu called for November 8, 1918 that, citizens and city guards to refrain from any hostile manifestations, to live worthy of the times and situations that are preparing the Romanian nation " . Despite its free gone serious fighting between the National Guard of Brad Romanian and Hungarian as Hungarians wanted to run away with all weapons at the residence of the Deva. A group Guardists own initiative follows the Hungarian troops after a bitter struggle that took place in Valisoara resulting in numerous injured including Hanes brave captain who was bradean, it captures the entire arms with them ..... "

(material presented at the Cultural Festival patriotic "Country Craisorului" -2 a 2009 edition by Professor Irina Letea responsible project coordinator for the General School Classes I-VIII, Mircea Santimbreanu ", the city of Brad, Province Hunedoara)
Posted: January 22, 2010 05:12 pm
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Very interesting, thanks a lot! I owe you one!
PMEmail Poster
Posted: January 22, 2010 08:22 pm
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QUOTE (Claudiu1988 @ January 22, 2010 03:46 pm)
What was the price for the entire lot??

Hello Claudiu, it wasn't that cheap...between 500 and 1000 €.

This post has been edited by Hotzenplotz on January 22, 2010 08:23 pm
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21 inf
Posted: January 22, 2010 09:01 pm
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General de corp de armata

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Hehe. the world is so small! biggrin.gif I know the guy who organised the festival where were presented the data about this oficer and also the lady who wrote the article. biggrin.gif

Thanks for the presentation of the medals.

Even if this oficer was in 1918 in Romanian National Guard, he must fought previously in romanian army, sometime between 1916-1918, but for sure in 1916, otherwise he couldnt receive the "Dobrogea" clasp to his WW1 Comemorative Medal. To do so, he was probably crossed Carpathians in Romania well before 1916, because those who ran into Romania close to Romania's entry in ww1 were not allowed to serve in the army, only later and mainly as translator or guides or non-combatants. Only from 1917 transylvanian romanians were allowed to serve as combatants in romanian army.
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New Connaught Ranger
Posted: January 29, 2010 08:00 pm
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The Austrian Medal here is on the wrong ribbon and has had the rear altered by grinding down the original words to make a place for an inscription, as an original medal this has renderedits value to nil, however as a piece in a collection to a known, named, subject it has interest.

user posted image

user posted image

I would also wonder why he has a Belgian Inter-Allied Victory Medal as oppossed to an Official type Romanian or one of the many unofficial but allowed by Royal decree copies
that were manufactured in Romania while waiting for the French to manufacture the Official Romanian award.

Kevin in Deva, near Brad Hunedoara. biggrin.gif
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New Connaught Ranger
Posted: January 29, 2010 08:04 pm
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user posted image
With regards the uniform pictures take note that the ribbon bar and medals worn on the second uniform from the left as you view the picture do not match up to the medals on the jacket, also the Inter-Allied Victory medal ribbon should not appear first in the row, perhaps it has been applied backwards?

Kevin in Deva. biggrin.gif
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Posted: February 10, 2010 05:05 pm
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Excellent collection!

The most I have in my collection is a hat pin of the Romanian coat of Arms. It's very hard to find Romanian items here in Canada, especially in Alberta.
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Posted: September 22, 2012 03:46 pm
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as i am focusing on collecting stuff of the ss polizeidivision, i am offering the lot of sabin banciu at ebay at the moment. if anyone is interested, feel free to bid. shipping to Romania is of course no problem.

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