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> Romanian in Waffen SS
Posted: April 12, 2005 07:45 am
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QUOTE (RHaught @ Mar 16 2005, 02:28 AM)
The British Freikorps had about 18 members. A veteran of the 10th SS told me about his time with the division on the eastern front and in his unit were 2 Romanian SS translators who spoke russian and french. They were then transferred to France with Frundsberg to assist there as well. Just to be a pain, haven't read of anyone from Mexico in the SS. As for the book Romanian Volunteers in the SS by Richard Landwehr, I have a copy and can find them if needed. But after reading it, felt like the author was a true national socialist/fascist. As for the gentleman in the ministry office, come and get me!!! In the US and would love to see you at my door! tongue.gif Because to tell people to stop writing (whether you agree or disagree) is not democratic which means you are no better than the fascists or communists you state you are not a part of.

Hi RHaught,

Does the book Romanian Volunteers of the Waffen SS 1944-1945 by Richard Landwehr had nay photos of the Romanian Waffen SS collar patch worn by its members?

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Posted: April 13, 2005 01:31 am
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Looked briefly at the book just now. Will look closely at the pics but does have drawings of the collar tabs. Do you want me to confirm if they wore it on the uniform?

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Posted: April 13, 2005 01:48 am
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[QUOTEWell actually it was at last one volksdeutsche (father german ,mother mexican) in the Waffen-SS (mentionned but not by name ,in "Forgotten legions" by Antonio Muñoz ]

I too have this book and read it! What page number are you talking about? Also have Soldiers of the Waffen SS, The Waffen SS Encyclopedia, The Waffen SS Handbook, Waffen-SS Hitlers Elite Guard at War, German Order of Battle Waffen SS and other units in WWII. Threw that in because there were countries that didn't have members in the SS. As for Americans, if you found 9 then you must be really better than some of the authors out there. Were large amounts of German immigrants who came received citizenship/changed names and went back before the US became involved or studied/lived here. The Germans counted them as Americans also (this too comes from SS vets!)
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Posted: April 13, 2005 06:42 am
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QUOTE (RHaught @ Apr 13 2005, 01:31 AM)

Looked briefly at the book just now. Will look closely at the pics but does have drawings of the collar tabs. Do you want me to confirm if they wore it on the uniform?


Hi Rob,

Yes i would like to confirm if they were worn on the uniform..Would it be possible if you post a picture of it?


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ostuf Charlemagne
Posted: April 14, 2005 09:54 pm
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RHaught :

I am not at home now ,but I will get you the page of the book tomorow.
Americans : I am talking of 100% american volunteers like Monti ,Peter Delanney (Pierre De La Ney Du Vair ) ,not of the american volksdeutschen ... (well ,Monti had a mother who was volksdeutsche ,here you may get the ponits ,ahahah...)
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Posted: April 27, 2005 01:36 am
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don't worry if not at home; get the points wink.gif , seems strange but wouldn't most english/american volunteers had been in Germany or joined prior to 1939 or 1941?The one name was also French and not many in the US unless in Louisiana or Canada.

Now have to figure out how some students actually picked Ronald Reagon and the fascist leader of Italy? rolleyes.gif
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ostuf Charlemagne
Posted: April 27, 2005 11:29 pm
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RHaught : The mexican SS .Here the reference in Forgotten Legions , by Antonio Muñoz : page 369. Also I have a bit more references of this guy in some others old publications (non-english lenguages ).
About the other ones ; I have wroten a book (“True Believers ; Spanish volunteers of the Heer and Waffen-SS 1944-45” ) published by Axis Europa Books of...Antonio Muñoz . [] and I am currently working on many more projects ,incluiding a book about latin-americans volunteers on Axis side .

Quoting you : “seems strange but wouldn't most english/american volunteers had been in Germany or joined prior to 1939 or 1941?”
Logical .....but remember that US Air Force captain Monti deserted flying his P-38 aircraft from Karachi (!!!) to Milan ,Italy ,in ...1944 ! He had to be a “True Believer “ ( in the Cause) to do it so late in the war ...or either he suffered a strong overdose of whiskey J or he got deeply bored by pakistani girls... But the fact is that he ended the war ,in Italy ,as an SS Untersturmführer in the SS PK “Kurt Eggers”,( being captured by US troops while still in SS uniform !) Strangely enough ,he was rapidly forgiven ‘cause of the Cold War and re-instaured as an US Air Force officer and fought against communism in Korea ...before to have his case re-opened by the FBI and was sentenced to more than 10 or 20 years of jail in..1960 !

Quoting “The one name was also French and not many in the US unless in Louisiana or Canada.”
Peter Delanney was indeed from Louisiana and appeared in France ( I think he lived in France since before the war ) and francized his name in Pierre de la Ney du Vair ,claiming he was a Count . He was actually one of the founders of the Vichyst Milice Française in 1943,being the first director of the School of Uriage ,the Militia’s Officers School ( where he exiged so much intelectual-college degrees to the cadets/ candidates that Joseph Darnand ,Milice’s top chief, was absolutely amazed at his teaching programm- this according to testimony of Léon Gaultier , another one of the first founders of the french Milice ,responsable of the Milice’s propaganda and further SS Untersturmführer of the french SS Sturmbrigade . Léon Gaultier ,who was severely wounded at the battle of Sanok in Galicia in 1944 [ and passed away in 1999] was a friend of Delanney and you may find this testimony in the book “Siegfried et le Berrichon “ by Léon Gaultier ,edit.Perrin ,France ,1991)
After a disagreement among him ( and others milicans chiefs ) and Darnand , De la Ney left the Milice and was for a while a lecturer at Taverny School , (the training school of the Gestapo –sponsored french Selbstschützpolizei ) were the activists of the collaborationnist parties – who were specially targeted by the resistance - who needed a gun for self-defense ,were trained in counterterrorism techniques and received also a basic police formation before to comeback to their party with a gun permit , a 7,65mm (.32 auto) caliber pistol and a special ausweiss autorizing the bearer to call for the help of the german police at any time . The best elements of the SSP stayed as permanents ,around 50 of them in each french department (counties) under Sipo-SD command .The other ones were to be ready to any call from the Sipo-SD if it was need of them ....In some books you will find De la Ney mentionned mistakenly as a Quebecquois canadian instructor of Taverny. A total of 5.000 students followed the courses of Taverny - 3 weeks duration – incluiding white russian emigrees and italians residing in France and even a north african Kabyl ( a mountain tribe from Algeria of arian origin ) who had served before in the Waffen-SS .
Then de la Ney and another Milice ‘s dissident ,Dugé de Bernonville , joined major Besson –Rap (ex-french army ,ex- officer of the Vichyst antimasonic police ) and Louis Macé ( also ex-officer of the Vichyst antimasonic police .This antimasonic police ,the SSS ,or Service against Secret Societies , had been formed by Vichy ‘s premier admiral Darlan in 1941 before to be disolved by Pierre Laval who remplaced Darlan in 1942 ,and who , as a professional politician ,had many free-masons friends ....)
Under command of major Besson-Rapp , Louis Macé ,Dugé de Bernonville and Pierre de la Ney du Vair (aka Peter Delanney in the USA) formed the SD –controlled “French Free Corps” whose “official” task was to defend the french territory in the zone of Bordeaux (southwest France ) against any allied landing . It must be noted that ,unlike the Milice (which was not authorized in the sector of Bordeaux because of german intrigues) the French Free Corps was not an official french vichyst unit ,but directly under german control , being a troop of Sipo-SD auxiliaries of no more than 100 men bearing french army uniforms with german Wehrmacht ranks on shoulder clapps .
Delanney / de la Ney was seen in a recruiting campaign among the french volunteers of the 8th company ( a mixed french / spanish company) of the Brandenburg Abwehr’s special forces division . It seems that this was a failure since it was surely much more prestigious for the men to belong to a crack german special force unit like the Brandenburg ,than to the minuscule and relatively unknown “French Free Corps “ , beginning with the uniforms ,for instance . Maybe disappointed , de la Ney , who lived in the sector with his wife ,a french woman , enlisted the LVF in spring of 1944 , with the rank of captain .When the LVF (french legion of the Heer ,under german uniform in the eastern front ) was versed to the french SS Charlemagne division in september 1944 ,de la Ney became a Waffen-Hauptsturmführer der SS ,being the PK officer of this SS unit .After the disaster of the plain of Belgard were most of the division was crushed by soviet tanks , de la Ney was part of the small french SS Sturmbataillon (around 350 men) who reached Berlin in the last days ,for the last stand , were they would defend the bunker of Adolf , being tactically attached to the SS Nordland division ( and this is why Marcus Wendell stated mistakenly that Delanney was an Hauptsturmführer of the Nordland division , in a post in Axis History Forum ).
He was missing in action (surely KIA) during this battle .

Quoting . “Now have to figure out how some students actually picked Ronald Reagon and the fascist leader of Italy? “ .... I am afraid I don’t understand the joke (??)

PMEmail Poster
Posted: April 28, 2005 01:14 am
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Quoting . “Now have to figure out how some students actually picked Ronald Reagon as the fascist leader of Italy? “ .... I am afraid I don’t understand the joke (??)

teach History and my US History II class picked the picture of Reagan and not Mussolini (was grading papers when I was trying to type) rolleyes.gif

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21 inf
Posted: July 13, 2007 09:12 am
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According to , the
11th Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division "Nordland" was raised from following nationalities:
german, dane, finn, french, dutch, norwegian, hungarian and ROMANIAN.

Fought in Croatia. Russia, Curlandia, Germany and Berlin.

Anihilated in Berlin at the end of the war.
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Posted: July 14, 2007 11:24 am
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That should be read as Romanian citizens. They were Germans from Transylvania.
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Posted: July 14, 2007 03:43 pm
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"Thirty-five percent (35%) of the original strength of Regiment "Danmark" were ethnic Germans from Rumania" as found on 11th SS Division
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ion koga
Posted: August 25, 2008 05:32 pm
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a new edition in romanian :

Armata Nationala Romana a Guvernului de la Viena

Autor(i): Carlos Caballero Jurado, Richard Landwehr
Editura: Vicovia
Categoria: Istorie

Pret: 15 lei

Scurta istorie a aparitiei in limba romana a cartii "Armata Nationala a Guvernului de la Viena" incepe in ianuarie 2006, cand am gasit intr-o librarie din Madrid aceasta carte in limba spaniola. Chiar la hotel, in Madrid, i-am aratat-o domnului Ion Marii, bun cunoscator al limbii spaniole si un luptator neobosit al raspandirii scrisului legionar in lume. Domnia Sa a apreciat-o ca este foarte buna si oportuna sa apara in limba romana, fiind in aceasta perioada un gol in cartile scrise despre miscare, deoarece cartea scrisa de Comandantul Horia Sima despre Guvernul de la Viena, nu trateaza in amanunt probleme armatei nationale, ci numai la modul general.

Gheorghe Jijie
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  Posted: September 12, 2008 01:40 pm
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QUOTE (ion koga @ August 25, 2008 05:32 pm)
a new edition in romanian :

Armata Nationala Romana a Guvernului de la Viena

Autor(i): Carlos Caballero Jurado, Richard Landwehr
Editura: Vicovia
Categoria: Istorie

Pret: 15 lei

Scurta istorie a aparitiei in limba romana a cartii "Armata Nationala a Guvernului de la Viena" incepe in ianuarie 2006, cand am gasit intr-o librarie din Madrid aceasta carte in limba spaniola. Chiar la hotel, in Madrid, i-am aratat-o domnului Ion Marii, bun cunoscator al limbii spaniole si un luptator neobosit al raspandirii scrisului legionar in lume. Domnia Sa a apreciat-o ca este foarte buna si oportuna sa apara in limba romana, fiind in aceasta perioada un gol in cartile scrise despre miscare, deoarece cartea scrisa de Comandantul Horia Sima despre Guvernul de la Viena, nu trateaza in amanunt probleme armatei nationale, ci numai la modul general.

Gheorghe Jijie

Am cumparat cartea direct de la editura Vicovia prin comanda e-mail. Comanda a fost onorata prompt. In 3 zile am primit cartea.
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Posted: September 12, 2008 01:51 pm
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[link removed by admin]
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Posted: September 12, 2008 04:22 pm
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As of this moment, there are no foto evidences of the Romanian SS colar tabs in wear.

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