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> 5th Mountain Battalion Avram Iancu, photos and info
Posted: July 27, 2005 06:23 pm
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Locotenent colonel

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Superb photos, indeed!

Panzermeyer, would you happen to have any pictures that also show the brigade commander or the commander of the Mountain Corps? Like maybe when your grandfather is receiving a medal from them, or during an inspection? If you do, please post them.

Panzer Meyer
Posted: July 28, 2005 11:52 am
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mabadesc Posted on Jul 27 2005, 06:23 PM
Panzermeyer, would you happen to have any pictures that also show the brigade commander or the commander of the Mountain Corps? Like maybe when your grandfather is receiving a medal from them, or during an inspection? If you do, please post them.


ok, I dug a little and I discovered some photos- I am not sure of their timing ('42/'43 or spring '44), and also I do not know for sure who is the commanding officer in the photos. Maybe some of you guys do have any idea- I am waiting.
first one is not very conclusive, but I posted it anyway, because I thought it can still offer some hints
user posted image
another one, I guess from the same location, same period
user posted image
and the last one
user posted image
my grand father appears in the first two photos, behind the commanding officer (he has some sort of white paper or maps in his hands)
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Panzer Meyer
Posted: August 17, 2005 05:05 pm
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came back with some other detalis regarding the officers of the 5th Mountain Battalion- see pic on page 1:
according to my grandmother memories, the following officers died on the Eastern Front:
- cpt. Stein Friederich
- Cpt. Oscar Bievel
- cpt. Sanziana Teodor
and also the coomanding officer of the battalion, col, Maldarescu (I hope I am not wrong) not shown in the 1938 photo. I will come back with details and moro photos as soon as possible.
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Posted: July 17, 2007 04:07 pm
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General de corp de armata

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For people who may concern,
it was a book published in comunist era about the fighting of
5th mountain battalion Avram Iancu,but of course it was about only
the western campaign, against fascism.

The book title is :

Batalionul de moti Avram Iancu.
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Posted: August 14, 2007 06:14 am
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General de corp de armata

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Since I dont have enough time right now, I post it only in Romanian, I'll translate it into english later today:

"Botezul Batalionului Avram Iancu. [1 september 1924, Gaina Mountain]

Dupa terminarea ceremoniei religioase dela troita, a urmat solemnitatea conferirii numelui de „Avram Iancu", batalionului de vânatori de munte din Abrud, care se afla în careu pe platou.
Regele Ferdinand, adresându-se trupei, a rostit urmatoarea cuvântare: „V'am adunat azi aici pe frumosul colt al Tarii Motilor, stropit de sângele atâtor eroi, cari au luptat si cari au cazut pe câmpul de onoare pentru ceeace le era totdeuna lucrul cel mai sfânt — iubirea de neam — spre a cinsti pe cel mai mare dintre eroii acelor timpuri grele de lupta, facând ca numele lui sa fie în veci în amintirea scumpei mele armate. Am ales batalionul de vânatori de munte din Abrud, pentru a da unei trupe din România întregita numele lui Avram Iancu. Pentru voi este o mare cinste si sunt sigur ca veti sti sa va aratati totdeuna demni de numele acestui mare erou. Voi stiti cine a fost Avram Iancu. El a luptat si a suferit pentru ideia întregirei poporului român. Amintirea lui este înca vie în toata tara si mai ales în coltul acesta unde el singur cu motii sai a stiut sa reziste trupelor ungare, împiedecândule de a patrunde în aceste vai. Sa saditi adânc în inimele voastre calitatile acelora cari au condus la biruinta si sa urmati pilda acestui erou".
Ministrul de razboiu a cetit înaltul decret, prin care s'a decis ca aceasta unitate se va numi de aci înainte: „Batalionul 5 vânatori de munte Avram Iancu". Apoi s'a primit defilarea batalionului, A. S. R. Principele Carol a defilat la dreapta primului pluton. "

source: Tinutul Halmagiului, Monografie, Traian Mager, 1935
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