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> US 15th AAF losses over Romania
Posted: November 11, 2007 01:54 pm
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Hi all

Can some provide some list of confirmed 15th AAf losses over Romania in period june 1944 - end of war?


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Posted: November 11, 2007 08:49 pm
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Can some provide some list of confirmed 15th AAf losses over Romania in period june 1944 - end of war?

Aprox. 250 bombers and 50 fighters 15th AF were lost over Romania between 4 april - 31 august '44.
If someone has worked for a list of each plane (with his fate) I doubt he will post it on internet (so easy) considering that it would take years of reserch.

If you want only for a specific day I could help you .
To give an example :

15AF losses over Romania for 24 june '44:


P-51 C nr. 75 Sn 42-103552 325 FG 319FS
Pilot Howard F.Welch MIA 6/24/1944 MACR 6178

P-51C nr. 42 Sn 42-103599 325 FG 318FS
Pilot Joseph W. Harper MIA 6-24-44 MACR 6077

450 BG
MACR 6367 B-24 41-29227
MACR 6364 B-24 “Illegal Eagle” 42-78216
MACR 6365 B-24 42-78380
MACR 6369 B-24 “Wolf Pack” 42-64454
MACR 6760 B-24 ” Shoo Shoo Baby” 42-50304
MACR 6366 B-24 42-94984

MACR 6765 B-24 42-78190
MACR 6869 B-24 42-78373
MACR 6071 B-24 42-78111
MACR 7130 B-24 42-52547

449 BG
MACR 6403 B-24 “Gidi Gidi Boom Boom” no. 55
Sn 41-28846 717BS Pilot Anderson 24-Jun-44 Ploesti

98 BG
MACR 11265 6/24/1944 B-24 42-73136
MACR 6437 6/24/1944 B-24 42-100259

MACR 6437 6/24/1944 B-24 42-100259 98 BG
Posted: November 11, 2007 09:11 pm
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QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ November 12, 2007 02:49 am)
Aprox. 250 bombers and 50 fighters 15th AF were lost over Romania between 4 april - 31 august '44.

I have slightly lesser figures: 223 bombers and 36 fighters.

If someone has worked for a list of each plane (with his fate) I doubt he will post it on internet (so easy) considering that it would take years of reserch.

You're absolutely right. No one will publish on the 'net the fruits of his years-long, in-depth research just answering a simple question... blink.gif

Gen. Dénes
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Posted: November 12, 2007 04:25 am
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I have slightly lesser figures: 223 bombers and 36 fighters.

36 fighters ? If we count that only one day ( 10 june '44 ) 15thAF lost 22 P-38 it probably go up to 50 fighters wink.gif
Posted: November 12, 2007 06:14 am
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QUOTE (Cantacuzino @ November 12, 2007 10:25 am)
I have slightly lesser figures: 223 bombers and 36 fighters.

36 fighters ? If we count that only one day ( 10 june '44 ) 15thAF lost 22 P-38 it probably go up to 50 fighters wink.gif

Not all of the 22 P-38Js were lost over Rumania.

Gen. Dénes
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Posted: November 12, 2007 10:20 am
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Thanks both

Can anyone provide exact list of confirmed 15.AF planes lost in Rumania from period june 1944-end of war?
Thanks Milan
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Posted: November 12, 2007 06:58 pm
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Can anyone provide exact list of confirmed 15.AF planes lost in Rumania from period june 1944-end of war?

Why it is so important for you 15th AF planes lost in Romania ?

The MACR's (mising in action reports) you can find in US archivs or you can check or ask on american WW2 websites ( forums related to 15thAF groups).

Starting with september'44, 15th AF had no more operations over Romania and your question should be corectly " Planes lost over Romania from june to september'44" ( and not to end war - 9 mai '45).
Posted: November 13, 2007 03:32 pm
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QUOTE (Dénes @ November 11, 2007 09:11 pm)
You're absolutely right. No one will publish on the 'net the fruits of his years-long, in-depth research just answering a simple question... blink.gif

Gen. Dénes

Why not? At least I personally do like to share my "work" on the topics discussed here, even if I don't gain anything material ($) from it.

And I appreciate a lot anyone who is able to do the same. As well, I appreciate professional work & publications, Gen. Dénes wink.gif.
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Posted: November 13, 2007 04:03 pm
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QUOTE (yogy @ November 13, 2007 09:32 pm)
Why not? At least I personally do like to share my "work" on the topics discussed here, even if I don't gain anything material ($) from it.

Yogy, if you would have ever published a book on the history of aviation, you would have known that it's not about money (actually, most authors - myself included - loose money on it)...

Gen. Dénes
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Posted: November 14, 2007 07:32 am
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Why not? At least I personally do like to share my "work" on the topics discussed here, even if I don't gain anything material ($) from it.


You and your friends worked very hard to made a map of Bassarabia for Il-2 game ( many of us will be greatfull for sharing here) but how would you feel if you will find in all benzin stations for sale this map ? unsure.gif

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This post has been edited by Cantacuzino on November 14, 2007 07:34 am
Posted: November 26, 2007 01:21 pm
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General de brigada

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I would feel great smile.gif
Yogy didn't work as much as Denes (for example) on historical research, but he did work very hard to get certain data and then analize it, one day he could do what Denes, Antoniu, Dan, etc. are doing; I admire and respect his work and also the fact he is sharing for many years all his hard worked data with the comunity.
However, it would be a good thing if Denes will explain a little more detailed why he is not so keen in sharing publicaly the data he has (I bet the arguments are valid and will shad a new light on this kind of things).
PMUsers Website
Posted: November 28, 2007 07:43 pm
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QUOTE (D13-th_Mytzu @ November 26, 2007 07:21 pm)
However, it would be a good thing if Denes will explain a little more detailed why he is not so keen in sharing publicaly the data he has (I bet the arguments are valid and will shad a new light on this kind of things).

Mytzu, I don't really understand why would you say that, as the main goal of my research IS to share information publicly. I really don't want to keep any data for myself.
Anyone can find the fruit of my research in my books. Besides my books and articles, I also try to help on-line and off-line anyone, who asks questions with limited scope. Testimony to this is the almost 3000 posts on this very forum - most of which are replies to questions.
However, I am indeed reluctant to give out complete materials to simple questions with large scope, like the original question posted in this thread. I see that other forumites, also deeply involved in research, share this point of view, as well.

This post has been edited by Dénes on November 28, 2007 07:47 pm
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Posted: November 29, 2007 03:30 pm
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General de brigada

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hmm.. I didn't mean anything against you or others on this forum, I was just trying to get a more detailed POW about why such informations are not shared freely on the internet - such as: you do have your own expenses while doing such research and they are not small (and this is only one example). Your help is very well noted by anyone who reads these forums and this was a good example about sharing information freely.
I was trying to clear things up so Yogy can better understand why you (or someone else) are reluctant on freely placing large ammounts of infos that took you years of research, the problems you had to go through, the money you had to spend for this (which the selling of books do not cover).
I apologize if my previous message made you think I implied something else - you should know better.. you are an engineer also laugh.gif
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Posted: January 24, 2008 10:37 pm
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We engineers are maybe all a bit too selfless laugh.gif
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