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daveh |
Posted: July 05, 2003 12:02 pm
Fruntas Group: Members Posts: 53 Member No.: 10 Joined: June 18, 2003 |
What were the principal influences on the Romanian tactics used in WW2?
Given the basically infantry basis of the Army was there a strong French influence? What lessons were learnt from WW1? Did the Romanians have any form of staff college to study and develop new tactics? |
Victor |
Posted: July 05, 2003 04:06 pm
Admin Group: Admin Posts: 4350 Member No.: 3 Joined: February 11, 2003 |
The principal influences on Romanian tactics in WWII were mainly French and German. As the war progressed the German influence became stronger and stronger.
daveh |
Posted: July 06, 2003 08:20 pm
Fruntas Group: Members Posts: 53 Member No.: 10 Joined: June 18, 2003 |
Did the French have a mission based in Romania prior to 1939?
Were French manuals provided for Romanian use? |
Victor |
Posted: July 07, 2003 08:20 am
Admin Group: Admin Posts: 4350 Member No.: 3 Joined: February 11, 2003 |
The French Military mission played a very important role in the reorganization of the Romanian army in the winter of 1916-17. So important, that some called the Romanian army the French army on the Russian front. After the war many Romanian officers went to French military schools and learned, obviously, French tactics. My grandfather went, for example, at the Ecole Superieure d'Artilerie at Fontainbleau between 1933-35.
inahurry |
Posted: July 30, 2003 02:52 am
Sergent Group: Banned Posts: 191 Member No.: 61 Joined: July 28, 2003 |
Regarding your 4th question :
Yes, within the Military Academy. It was then called Scoala Superioara de Razboi. You have here a brief chronology (in Romanian): Its present name is Academia de Inalte Studii Militare. As a side note, the building that hosts it was inaugurated in december 1939, plans by architect Duiliu Marcu. |
inahurry |
Posted: July 30, 2003 03:02 am
Sergent Group: Banned Posts: 191 Member No.: 61 Joined: July 28, 2003 |
A short translation from the site I mentioned :
"1933, Marele Stat Major difuzeaza "Instructiunile asupra intrebuintarii Marilor Unitati", care vor fi completate in anul 1938. Prescriptiunile lor au fost aplicate cu anticipatie in Scoala Superioara de Razboi de catre profesori si elevi, in parte colaboratori si fauritori ai doctrinei difuzate prin aceste Instructiuni. " "1933, the General Chiefs of Staff issues "Instructions on how to use the large units" [from division upwards ] which were going to be completed in 1938. Their percepts were applied beforehand within the Scoala Superioara de Razboi by teachers and students, who were, in part, the makers and colaborators of the doctrine the instructions regulated." |
inahurry |
Posted: July 30, 2003 03:32 am
Sergent Group: Banned Posts: 191 Member No.: 61 Joined: July 28, 2003 |
from the same site:
"In anii 1919-1939 au absolvit studii militare in strainatate 57 de ofiteri români (49 la Paris, 8 la Torino). In aceeasi perioada, un numar de 5 ofiteri straini (cehi si polonezi) au absolvit Scoala Superioara de Razboi din Bucuresti.Ofiterii absolventi ai Scolii Superioare de Razboi au scris in perioada 1889-1939 un numar de 3270 de lucrari, pentru raspândirea stiintei militare in rândul ostirii: 309 lucrari de istorie militara, 258 de tactica infanteriei, 196 de tactica artileriei etc." "Between 1919-1939 57 Romanian officers graduated abroad (49 in Paris, 8 in Torino). During the same timeframe 5 foreign officers (czechs and poles) graduated SSR in Bucuresti. The graduate officers from SSR wrote between 1889-1939 3270 papers : 309 military history writings, 258 on infantry tactics, 196 on artillery tactics etc." So, 49 in Paris and none in Germany, I think this is a bit of French influence, isn't it? |
Victor |
Posted: July 30, 2003 08:55 am
Admin Group: Admin Posts: 4350 Member No.: 3 Joined: February 11, 2003 |
The Superior War School (Scoala Superioara de Rezbel) was founded on 8 August 1889 by Royal Decree 2073.
Note that at that moment there were only another five equivalent institutions in Europe at: Turin, Paris, Brussels, Vienna and Berlin. |